Plans and Pain

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"We need a plan." She whispered almost too low for him to hear.

"I know. I have a few ideas but now that we are really here, I am so scared of losing you again. I can't think." He whispered back, his voice full of emotion.

He looked around them, obviously thinking hard about their situation and what to do next.

"I think we need to draw them out."

"What?" She could feel her face sweating and she felt like she would be sick.

He noticed her complexion pale at this thought and pulled her tight against him in a warm embrace. He wanted to hold her there against him forever.

"It will be okay. Last time, we went wrong by being trapped inside the manor. This time, we need to pull them out to us where we can control where we are and not have the threat of being confined to a room."

She nodded her head in agreement. It made sense to her but she was terrified. She was so afraid of something happening to them. She couldn't live without Draco and as soon as the thought hit her mind, she knew deep down that she did love Draco. She finally admitted it to herself and her eyes filled with tears.

"Draco, I love you."

He pulled back from her and he looked deep into her eyes. He could feel his heart beating rapidly inside his chest and he wished they were anywhere in the world but there.

"Hermione, we are going to be fine. We will make it through this. Together."

He cleared his throat, his emotions were starting to overwhelm him.

He continued, "You don't have.."

He was cut off by Hermione placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"I know and I'm not saying it because we might die. I am saying it because it's true and I want you to know how I feel."

She smiled softly at him.

"I love you too." He said simply and they kissed each other again.

When they broke the kiss, they both knelt down and started devising a plan. They had to be smart and they had to trust each other. Thankfully they had both.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Hermione stepped out of the trees and she pushed Draco in front of her while holding her wand against his neck. She was pressing it hard into his neck as she pushed him further away from the trees and closer to their final destination.

"I have your boy!!" She yelled.

She waited a minute and just when she didn't think anyone heard her, she saw a thin, pale, blonde man step out of the front doors of the manor. He slowly walked towards them until he was about halfway between them and the broken-down house.

"Stop right there!" She yelled at him and he immediately stopped in his tracks.

Lucius Malfoy grinned devilishly at her.

"What exactly do you want Ms. Granger?" He spoke clearly and loud enough for her and anyone inside to hear him.

She noticed other death eaters slowly started making their way out of the building and slinking their way forwards.

She pushed Draco to his knees and jabbed him in the neck again with her wand which made him groan in pain.

"You all stay back! Stop where you are!" She screamed.

Lucius put his hand up and they all stopped moving. He motioned to Hermione, "What exactly do you think you are accomplishing here?"

"Tell all of your buddies to join us outside. ALL OF THEM." She said through gritted teeth.

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