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"It worked." were the first words spoken by Draco as he sat up.

He hurried over to Hermione who was still laying on her back looking up at the clouds.

"Hermione are you alright?" He asked gently.

She sat up next to him and grabbed his scarred arm then looked down at her own scarred arms.

"What happened to us?"

Draco pulled his arm away and cleared his throat, "Uh, what do you remember?"

"I remember being in the lake and you going into the forest for wood."

She paused and took a deep breath.

"I remember pain. A lot of pain."

Draco stood up and looked around as he finally replied, "I'm really sorry about that."

Then he walked away.

Draco pulled something out of his pocket and said a couple of spells. A tent popped up and he took a step away.

"I've stocked food and clothes for both of us. Feel free while I finish up out here."

Hermione was very confused and wanted answers but her clothes were wet and she was starving. She stood up and reluctantly walked into the tent.

When Draco finally finished putting up safety spells around the area, he went into the tent to find Hermione sitting in a chair waiting for him.

"Don't you feel better being in dry clothes?"

Hermione nodded to him as she sat in a chair opposite from her.

"What the hell is going on? How do you have all of this stuff and what happened to you?"

Draco sighed, "Honestly, I don't think you would believe me and even if you did," He paused, "I don't think you would like it very much."

He got up and poured two cups full of pumpkin juice. He walked back and handed one to Hermione. He sat back down and sipped from his cup while she stared at him.

"You look so different." she said, still staring.

He grinned for the first time in ages.

"Well, it's been over a year now, I think, since I've been here with you."

Hermione sat her juice down and gave Draco a strange look as she replied, "What are you talking about? How is that possible?"

"Hermione." He tasted the name and stopped.

He didn't know how to tell her everything without scaring her. He didn't know how to tell her any of it without scaring her.

He tried again, "Hermione. So much has happened and a lot of it isn't very good. I don't want to scare you but you need to know."

She stood up and walked to the kitchen part of the tent.

"It sounds like a really long story and I'm hungry so why don't we eat and then worry about it. Acceptable?"

Draco smiled and joined her for a meal. They didn't really talk except for a comment from him about eating a snake if they had to.

Hermione argued that she would never do such a thing but he knew the truth.

Then he was suddenly saddened by the fact that he had these memories of their experiences and now they'll never even happen.

Later that night...

He finally finished telling her what had happened since he was last at the lake, with an exception of course.

He didn't mention the fact that they had been in a romantic relationship.

He told the basics and tried to make it sound less scary than it really was. Hermione sat in a corner just staring at him.

"I don't believe you."

She said in a soft whisper.

"Yes. You do."

He simply said back to her.

She got up and moved closer to him, she slowly sat down on her bed and covered up with a heavy brown blanket.

"Why do you remember everything and I don't?"

"I'm not sure, but at least things won't go the same way as last time."

"Yeah, I would really hate to be murdered again." She replied sarcastically.

They sat face to face but not very close. He still sat in the kitchen area with a chair pulled away from the table. Hermione looked past him toward the rest of the rooms.

She still couldn't believe how much work went into the place.

The large bedroom opened up into the kitchen and the living room. Then through the living room were the two separate bathrooms. The tent was almost a small house, with endless supplies for the both of them.

Draco didn't know how to respond to the joke so she just sat in silence while she looked the place over.

They sat quietly and awkwardly until she got up and went to her closet. She pulled out some clean clothes and walked past Draco.

"I'm taking a shower."

He watched her walk into the bathroom and close the door.

He sighed loudly and finally moved out of the chair.

Hermione closed the door behind her and turned the shower on. She set her clothes on the sink and started to undress. She pulled her shirt over her head and glanced at the mirror.

She had scars all over her body.

She turned away from the mirror and continued undressing.

Her eyes filled with tears but she wouldn't let them fall.

'At least I'm alive.'

She pulled herself together and stepped under the hot water.
Hermione stood unmoving under the water for a long time before she finally started to wash her hair. The shampoo smelled like strawberries and the conditioner matched. She was surprised that a guy even thought to get her conditioner and appreciated it and everything else that he did for her.

As she was rinsing her hair out and daydreaming about random unimportant things, she started to feel some pressure on her wrists and ankles that started to hurt when her vision went blurry and something else was being seen.

Nothing was very clear and it was all jumbled but the jest was of her being tied down to a little wooden chair in a dark room with candles. The men were adding chains and the pressure and pain increased.

She fell down on the shower floor and tried not to shout when the pain hit her back and head. When the vision finally cleared, her wrists and ankles were red and already starting to bruise.

She rubbed her wrists and turned the water off.
"Bloody hell!" She said to herself angrily as she reached for her towel. She tried to stand up but it took her a few tries because of the agony she was feeling in numerous areas of her body.

Her face was crinkled in pain as she started dressing.
In the other room, Draco heard the shower go off and heard Hermione quietly curse to herself. He stood up and walked to the bathroom door. He stopped in front of it and waited in silence.
He could hear her dressing and cursing some more. He finally knocked on the door and asked, "Hermione, are you alright in there?"

She opened the door and turned off the light. She folded her arms under her armpits and walked past him.
"I'm fine, I just accidentally got some shampoo in my eye. Nothing serious."
She went to her closet and pulled out a jacket which she threw on to hide her bruises and sat down on her bed.
Draco went over to his and faced her.

"Thank you for everything Draco." She said as she laid down on her bed and covered up. "I'm really fine, I'm just tired." She reached over and turned her lamp off.
Draco laid down and got under his covers too and replied, "Good night Hermione."

All the lights were turned off now and Draco started to doze off while Hermione laid on her side facing away from him. She was rubbing her wrists again and her back ached to much to lay in any other position.
When she finally did fall asleep she had weird dreams about a green light and wandering around in a dark forest.

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