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"...What a perfectly stupid time we would have..."

"So, let me get this straight." Niall scratches the tip of his ear. "You're proposing so that you can have a kid?"


"Why do you need to propose for that?" He asks, confused.

"The adoption agencies don't like the fact that Louis and I aren't married."

"But a civil union is the best you can do, yeah?"

"We live in Massachusetts; we can get married."

"Then," Niall says slowly. "Why weren't you to begin with?"

"The term marriage was scary." Harry shrugs.

"The term civil union is unnecessarily long."

"Why do you all of a sudden care so much? You're getting nosy." Harry adjusts his backpack. Niall took his luggage a little bit ago, claiming that he felt useless not carrying anything. "A bit too friendly."

"I'm a bartender. Listening to people's problems is what I do. Besides, talking passes the time, and I've run out of snarky things to say to you that don't involve a marriage proposal that I find fucking ridiculous."

Harry's eyebrows scrunch together, and he takes a deep breath. "You're mean, you know."

"There's the town." Niall points ahead of them. "We keep this pace then we should be there in a few minutes."

"Okay." Harry's heart feels lifted as he realizes he's finally so close to getting a trustworthy ride to Dublin. Hopefully an actual taxi. Maybe a bus. Anything other than a bitter, lackluster bartender attempting to scrape together some cash would suit Harry, if he's being perfectly honest.

"If you do happen to get married, do you want a boy or a girl?" Niall asks, changing the subject back to what it had been moments ago.

"Boy and girl." Harry answers. "Boy first, so that the girl has an older brother to teach her baseball."

"Do you not play baseball?"

"I'm as sporty as a rock. The most I can do is run. Louis loves going to Red Sox games when he can, but he sucks at baseball too."

"Baseball pants are nice."

Harry gives Niall a look, raising his eyebrow and smirking. He hadn't realized that Niall was even remotely interested in the same sex, but he goes with it. "Sports weren't created for eye candy."

"Pretty sure the first Olympics were held completely in the nude, which invalidates your entire sentence."

"I didn't know you were gay." Harry says aloud.

Niall shakes his head. "Pansexual, really. I mean, I guess. I don't know. It doesn't matter to me, honestly."


"Looks like we hit a neighborhood." Niall muses, nodding ahead. Harry looks forward and notices the houses.

"We're not..." He starts. "We're not just going to knock on strangers' doors asking for a ride, are we?"

"Nah." Niall moves the luggage he's carrying to his other hand. "We'll find someone outside and ask them."

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