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I look at Scott and Stiles who both seem to be wearing the same shocked expression. Lydia almost seems unbothered by this revelation.

I shake my head with a fake laugh as Kira seems to be a little surprised by our reactions. "Well that would really suck for the, um, hypothetical person," I say trying to cover our asses.

Isaac puts a hand over my shoulder and kisses my temple, gently. "So you three are going to die? Nice. Can we move on now?" He asks and I turn to him with a glower.

"Isaac," I say and he looks down at me. "Shut the fuck up."

He rolls his eyes at that but doesn't say anything else.

Kira obviously didn't know anything about us really dealing with bardo and the effects that almost dying has had on us. And of course, she didn't know that the majority of us were supernatural creatures. Two werewolves, a werewolf hunter, a banshee and then Stiles and I are just normal humans. We definitely had a diverse group of friends.

I look over at Kira who seems to be standing awkwardly, as though she's isolated from us and the conversation that is taking place. She smiles awkwardly and I give her a small sympathetic smile.

"Thank you, Kira," I say smiling, as Allison lets out an awkward cough. "It's for a school project, so it does help us out a bit."

Scott nods enthusiastically, still looking at her and she smiles.

"Anytime," Kira says and stands up and leaves our table.

Scott watches her leave and I see Allison turn away, putting her hands on the table with a sigh.

Stiles gives Scott a look, "So, our history class?"

Scott looks back to Stiles. "Oh. Um, yeah. Her dad is the teacher." He says, blushing a little.

My gaze falls on Allison. She seems unaware she was ever even involved in the conversation at all. She was busy looking at something on the table with an idle look on her face. I take my free hand and place it over hers and give it a wee squeeze, even if she and Scott had ended on good terms it couldn't be easy to watch your first love fall for someone else while you were still going through the breakup phase.

Isaac raises an eyebrow. "As sickening as that was to watch, I'll try to resist the urge to pitch myself off a fucking cliff," He muttered under his breath and I smiled as I turned back to face him.

"You'd probably be down for five minutes and then you'd be back up again fully healed," I said with a grin.

"We should go test that theory," Stile says sarcastically. "I'll push him and you wait at the bottom with a timer."

Lydia lets out a snort and I can't help but laugh as well.

"Mm, you'd love that wouldn't you Stilinski?" Isaac snaps and I can't help but laugh at his facial expression.

"Indeed I would, Lahey. Indeed I would." Stiles says with a sort of sadistic smile. "Anyway, as fun as this conversation is, I have to locate the homework that is by now overdue so I can start on it. I'll see you lot later." He says as he picks up his bag and leaves the table, heading in the direction of the library.

"Come on, I need a coffee break," Lydia said as she dragged Allison up from the table.

"Lydia, it's lunchtime! If we leave we'll get in trouble." Allison said in weak protest but I could tell she was craving caffeine as much as Lydia was.

"Bring me one back!" I call after them both and Lydia waves an absent-minded hand behind her.

Isaac kisses my cheek which catches me off guard. I yelp a little as he pulls me off the seat so I'm standing and he spins me around in a circle to face him.

Isaac had always had a thing for spinning me around before he kissed me. I think it started at the dance a long time ago when we were at the winter formal. Isaac had asked me before he had been turned and when I was just beginning to navigate my way through the supernatural with the help of Scott and Stiles.

We'd been sitting in Chem and he'd turned to me, rather shyly, asking if I wanted to go with him. I'd been watching him for a while, on the lacrosse field and in class and I had to admit I had developed a thing for him. So, of course, I'd agreed and it had easily been the best night of my life. He was the sweetest person I'd ever met.

Then, when Derek turned him and he helped Scott with Jackson, he became a lot more confident and we became even closer. He made me so much happier than I'd ever been.

"I love you," Isaac whispered in my ear.

I smiled as he kissed my forehead. "I love you too, always and forever."

"Always and forever," Isaac murmured against my forehead.

And somehow, I could feel the truth behind his words.

— — — 

so there's that one! I rewrote it and added an extra 300 words and I don't mind it as much now. it's still awful and i have no idea where i was going with it but whatever! 

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Where stories live. Discover now