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I look up at Void and slowly he walks backwards Noah and Mr Argent walk in front of him whilst Derek stands up quickly as possible and stands with the pair as  Allison joins him too. I stay on the floor but use what strength I have to pull myself back into a corner where I won't be spotted. 

Void smirks at me and cocks his head to the side and I glare at him as everyone circles him to protect him. The irony in this situation is not to be ignored, we came to try and trick Void and now we're protecting him. 

Mr Argent and Noah begin to shoot at the black figures stepping through the wall and I realise that they are the oni that everyone was talking about. They pull their swords and advance on the circle of people with the bullets having no effect. 

Two other onis begin to circle the back of Void and Allison and Derek share a worried look before turning to the oni. I try to stand but I can't force myself to get up. I let out a groan of frustration and one of the oni turns to me and begins to walk towards me. 

I look at the four people standing around Void and they all look at me with concern. I scoot myself backwards and see Void is no longer smirking, or smiling he looks worried and is looking at me as though he wants to help me but can't. 

I continue to move away from the oni until I'm backed into a corner but the oni is still advancing on me. I freeze trying to not draw any more attention to myself. It keeps walking toward me and I try to concentrate on my power. Maybe I could use it to stop it.

 I take a deep breath and pull at the loose tie in the back of my mind and I feel my power come to me. I open my eyes and see the oni has stopped advancing towards me. I tilt my head to the side once and stretch my hand out and then make a sudden motion of moving it towards the window and the oni goes flying and crashes through the window. 

The other 4 oni turn to me and being to walk towards me. Ignoring the immense headache I was getting I push myself to my feet and hold up my hands and try to concentrate on doing the same thing as before. 

This time I flick both of my hands in opposite directions, throwing two of the oni left through the window and the other two through the walls of Derek's loft. In the process of doing so, I had somehow managed to raise myself off the ground and was now hovering an inch above the floor. 

Everyone looks at me with mixed horror and shock and I look at them and smile. "Neat huh?" I ask before I feel my consciousness slip away from me and I pass out before I hit the floor. 

— — — —

I squint my eyes and see that Noah is holding me as I wake up. I look at him and blink again trying to get used to the light in the room. I let out a yawn and Noah looks down at me and breathes a sigh of relief. 

"Where am I?" I ask yawning again. 

Derek's face comes into view and he looks down at me with a small smirk. "My loft."

Noah sets me down on the floor and I see Kira and Scott talking to Mr Argent and Allison. When I'm sitting down I try to remember everything that had happened and then suddenly I remember how I had thrown the oni away. My eyes widen at the thought and I look at Derek's window and see the damage I'd done. 

I turn to him and smile apologetically. "I am so sorry," I say and Derek lets out a laugh. 

"It's alright, that was impressive." Derek pauses, "what are you?" he asks solemnly and I shrug my shoulders. 

"I was told I was a witch but I didn't realize that when they said that they meant the fricking scarlet witch," I say and I let out another yawn but I push myself up and walk over to Kira and Scott. 

Kira sees me and smiles and runs to hug me and she wraps her arms around me. "I'm so glad you're okay!" She says and smiles at me. 

Scott walks up behind her and smiles at me too. "I heard we missed out on the show. You threw some oni through Derek's window?" He asks and his smile turns to a grin. 

I smile back at him. "It's possible, yes," I say and Kira puts an arm over my shoulder. 

"And you were telling me to stay out of trouble," Scott says sarcastically. 

Behind Scott, Allison begins to walk over to us. I tense slightly and Kira looks around Scott to see Allison and her eyes narrow a little. 

"Hey, guys," Allison says and we all look at her with raised eyebrows. "Um, Malena that was pretty cool." She says quietly and my eyes widen as I look at her. 

"Thanks..." I say and the awkward tension continues and Scott clears his throat. 

"So, where's Void?" He asks and Allison looks up at him.

"I'm not sure he just disappeared or something. We didn't really see it because we were all a little shocked and distracted by Malena's power." Allison says her voice trailing off.

My eyes narrow at that. "So it's my fault?" I ask slowly. 

Allison looks away. "Well, you could've just not done anything and we would have been able to keep track of him." 

I look at her shocked. "You're really blaming me." 

"Guys let's not," Kira says but I look at Allison and scoff as I turn in the opposite direction and walk out the door. 

Behind me, I hear Allison talking to Scott. "Did I say something?" She asks and I resist the urge to roll my eyes and flip her the bird.

Once I'm outside I walk to the elevator of the building and sit down as it begins the long descent to the bottom floor. As I'm sitting down and try not to think of everything me and Allison had done together over the past few years. 

I hear a clang next to me and I look up and it's Void, who somehow just appeared next to me. I move back shocked and he smirks at me as he sits down.

"That was very impressive. Looks like you did not need my help controlling your power in the end." He says and he turns to me with a worried look on his face when I don't throw a witty remark back at him. "Are you alright?" He asks and his voice sounds concerned.

I shake my head as I lean back against the wall and sigh. "Going to see Isabella?" I ask sarcastically.

Void doesn't respond for a few seconds and I look at him and his eyebrows are furrowed. "I guess, yea." He finally responds. 

I turn towards him and he looks at me. We hold eye contact for a few seconds and all I can think of are his words to me everything I said was true. Void smiles at me and I look away. "You know she's a siren right?" I say trying to change the topic. 

Void looks at me startled. "Isabella?" He asks and I nod. "A siren?" He asks and I nod. 

His eyebrows narrow. "That's why- it makes sense now." He says under his breath and I look at him confused. 

"What makes sense?" I ask as the elevator dings to signal we're ten floors away from the bottom. 

"How I couldn't say no to her." Void whispers and he shakes his head and places it in his hands. 

I look at him concerned. "Say no to her about what?" I ask slowly and Void looks up at me with an eyebrow raise but doesn't respond and I realise. "That fucking bitch." I mutter I look at the elevator levels to see how many we have left but when I turn back to Void he's gone. 

I sigh as I brush the dust off my leggings and stand up as the elevator dings to say I've reached the bottom floor and I step outside and walk to my car. 

Today had been a long day, and I was ready to go back to Scott's house and see Melissa and sit down with a good cup of coffee and write a long letter to my parents. 

— — — — — — — —

so that's 38 💪.

I made another tiktok about Isabella and malena its on _shuckiestshuckever on tiktok! Which is the official tiktok ACC for this account/book.  

I hope yall liked that, sorry its so short. 

Also, Malena is a witch but her abilities are like wanda's plus shes a banshee but she is yet to discover how to use that power.

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora