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I moved in with Melissa two days after everything had happened,  I was going to take the room that Isaac had moved out of. He moved into my house after getting a beating from Melissa, which, I have to say was hilarious. It didn't really feel like home but it had a warm feeling that came with comfort. I told Scott everything that had happened, how the kidnappers had talked about him, how they had called me a supernatural more than once, how they had mentioned Gerrard. He stayed quiet the whole time as I explained and sat there, not saying anything after I finished.

"So you're telling me this was all Isaac's fault?" Scott growled quietly going to stand up. 

I place my hand on his shoulder to sit him down, panicked. "No, no, well kind of, not really. I dont know who's fault it is, but its in the past so im moving on, you know?" I said.

Scott furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "So your going to forgive Isaac and get back with him?" 

I almost laugh. "No, god no. He's a dickhead, but there was a time I loved him and I cant change that." No matter how much I wished I could, I add wistfully in my mind. Scott nods thoughtfully. 

"Well, I can always beat him up again if you ever need me to." He says cheerfully. 

"Thanks Scott." I laugh, he gets up to leave for school and I go back to my book. I was still on bedrest for another day. I hadn't finished re-reading Les Misérables so that was my goal for the day. I put in my earphones and pressed play on the music, Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine was playing, it was a reasonably new song but it was good.

I mumbled along to the lyrics as I sat on the bed reading, 

The horses are coming.
So you better run.
Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father,
Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers.
Leave all your love and your longing behind.
You can't carry it with you if you want to survive.

Dog days are over, the dog days are over. 

I couldn't help myself as I got up and started jamming out to the song. I hear someone laughing above the music and I turn to the doorway and see Stiles, well Void. 

"That was a cute little concert" He laughs. 

I sit down quickly on my bed, pulling the earphones from my ears and my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I try to change the subject as quickly as I can.

"What're you here for?" I ask.

He shifts uncomfortably in the doorway. "I came to see if you were alright, and if you were coming to school." 

"Im alright, I'm not great because of my head but I'm alive." I say. "Im not coming to school cause of the drugs, they haven't worn off yet." I finish. 

"Oh. Right." Void says awkwardly. 

"Um, thanks." I say. 'You know, for um saving me." I mumble quietly. 

"Yea, you're welcome," He says smiling and sits down at the desk chair opposite the bed. "I'd do it again if I had to."

I smile gratefully, but then my face drops. "Is there really something supernatural with me?" I asked him quietly. 

"I don't know." Void frowns. "I think someone would've noticed by now but maybe not."

I flop back onto my pillow and groan.  "I wonder what am I." I mutter quietly. 

"Its a decent question," Void says as he flops down next to me onto the bed too. 

 I look over to him just as he looks at me, and we hold eye contact for a good few seconds. Void's eyes flick down to my lips and then back to my eyes again as I look at his lips. I swallow loudly and lean forward a bit, towards him. Void leans forward too and for a moment we're centimetres away from each others face and then he bolts up. I lean back in shock, quickly followed by embarrassment as I sit up and turn away from him. 

"I have to go. Um...school." He mutters and he's out the door before I can even say goodbye. 

I run a hand through my hair and rub my temples. "Dumb ass. Good one, now he thinks you like him and that you're a freak." I groan as I hear the front door slam and flop back onto my pillow once more. 


I returned back to my house later on in the day after I'd finished my book and when I presumed everyone would be at school, I was wrong of course. Sitting on the couch was Isaac, hand behind his head reading one of my mums magazines. I walked in as quiet as I could but he heard me and turned to the door. He scrambled off the couch to stand up. 

"Uh sorry, just reading." Isaac said gesturing to the magazine. I nod awkwardly, this was just fantastic. Today was just so not my day. 

"Come to get some clothes and stuff I forgot last time." I mumble quietly heading for the stairs. 

"Wait." Isaac calls after me. I pause slightly and turn to him. "Do you, um, think you'll ever forgive me?"

No. My brain thought. I shrug. "Its kind of unforgivable, Isaac." I say. 

Isaac nods. "I didn't mean to you know." He says. 

I cant help but to scoff. "Really? You think I was talking about just you cheating on me? Wow." I scoff again. "You are the biggest jerk alive." 

Isaac looks confused. "What did you actually mean?" 

"Isaac, I was kidnapped because you didn't warn me, or anyone else. Yes I was heartbroken because you cheated on me, anyone would be, could you imagine if I cheated on you with Scott?" I ask, my voice is cold, I've never heard myself like this before. 

"Well, you wouldn't. You're not that type of person, you're to kind, too compassionate, to sweet." He says it almost sarcastically. In three strides I'm across the room so I'm standing in-front of him. 

"Oh really?" I asked. "Right, so if I told you, you saved my life and that I loved you more than I loved life itself. If I told you that I didn't know what would happen if we broke up and then I went and cheated on you hours," I say enforcing the word. "After this discussion with the person I had been cheating on you with for months? Outside your house. With your best friend?" I almost scream. Isaac gulps heavily. 

"I-" He starts. 

"No. No you don't get to talk. This is where you zip it and listen to me. You," I say jabbing him in the chest, "are a coward. Nothing but a coward who couldn't handle the idea of being loved." I feel a tear fall from my eye and I wipe it away. "I have loved you ever since I meet you Isaac. The moment you sat down in front of me in French class, you had a bruised cheek and a black eye and the teacher asked you what happened and you said you fell.  What you didn't know was that Jackson had already told us he heard you and your dad arguing, followed by bangs and crashes." 

I watch Isaac's face crumple with pain and knew it was a low blow. 

"I knew Isaac. It wasn't hard to put two and two together, the more I payed attention to you the worse it seemed to get. I tried talking to you but you never engaged with me longer than a quick response. I have loved you for a long time Isaac, and after a while I figured you'd love me back. Eventually I was so sure you did. I became blinded with my own love. Have you ever heard the saying, 'love is 5 minuets of pleasure for a lifetime of pain' ?" I asked. I had to gasp for breath. 

"You were my 5 minutes of pleasure, and you will be the cause of a lifetime of pain." I almost growl. I wipe the tears from my eyes. "So no. No, I most likely will never forgive you. And I don't regret that." 

I walk away from him and stomp upstairs to get my stuff. I shove a bunch of clothes into a packing box I had found, followed by a few books and some photos I could hang in Scott's spare room to make me feel more at home. When reaching for a photo I see one of me and Isaac mid-kiss and get an idea. I pack away everything neatly into the box but keep the photo separate. I walk back downstairs with the box and when I get to Isaac, who is still frozen where he was before I stomped upstairs and I rip the photo at his feet and keep walking out my door without looking back. 


soo that was 16. I felt a lot of erm...emotions writing this chapter so thats why she's a bit short-tempered in this one. 

thoughts? ->>>>>

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Where stories live. Discover now