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Void sighs as he walks forward to me, "look, I couldn't go home with her and I thought you wouldn't be here so I was just gonna stay here for a while, I had just sort of thought you wouldn't be here and you wouldn't find out..." He says trailing off but he realises I'm not even looking at him, I'm looking over his shoulder at Isabella. 

She waves at me with three fingers and smirks a smirk that makes me want to go over and slap her right across her smug face. I look back at Void and eye him up and down. "So you bought a hookup to come and stay the night at my house?" I ask cooly. 

Void rubs a hand across the back of his neck, "I'm not sure how to answer that." He answers. 

I step forward and put a finger on his chest, "it's very fucking easy to answer. Yes or no?" I ask. Normally I wouldn't be the riled up but the idea of Void hooking up with some stranger he found while he was away. 

"Yes, he did." Says Isabella sitting at the bench, she stands up and walks over to me. "Is there a problem? Is he your boyfriend?" She asks smugly. 

I look at her, "sorry sweetheart. I wasn't talking to you. Sit your ass down." I say with a fake smile. 

"Ugh. Screw you." Isabella says and she turns away from me. I scoff.

"Excuse you?" I ask now turning away from Void. Isabella looks back at me and rolls her eyes. 

"Please, just admit it." She says as she sits back down, "you're jealous." 

I lick my lips as I regard her, "jealous of what exactly?" I ask as I eye her up and down. "I've dealt with my fair share of bitches before. Trust me, if you keep acting the way you are I will not hesitate to kick you out of my house."

Isabella rolls her eyes, "this isn't even your house." 

I look back at Void but he has a poker face on. "Yes, it is," I say as I look back at her.

"No, don't lie. It's Void's house and he lives here with his parents and younger sister. They're just away at the moment." Isabella says as she looks at Void.

I turn to him, "oh you dumb fucking bitch. I have been through enough bullshit this weekend without you bringing a hooker here. Leave. Right now." I yell at him. 

Isabella walks up to me, "you fucking psychotic bitch, you're going to let us stay here. Got it?" She asks her voice laced with malice. 

I'm about to refuse her. I mean obviously, anyone would refuse her. Hell, I would've beaten her ass for what she just said but something stops me. Something that feels like a tug at my stomach. It was the same feeling I got when I used my ability. 

"Fine!" I snarl, "but stay out of my way." I turn on my heel and stomp up the stairs and walk into my room and slam the door behind me. 

I walk over to my bookshelf and pick up Romeo and Juliet, wrench the door open and then slam the door behind me again and then walk back down the stairs. 

"Buh-bye," Isabella says with a smug smile as I walk past her. 

I turn back to look at her and Void. Isabella stands with her arms crossed over her chest with a smile on her face and Void stans just behind her with a stony look on his face. 

For a second when I look at Isabella I saw Erica Reyes. Her attitude and mannerism matched Erica's so much it made me want to cry. I missed Erica so much. But, Isabella wasn't Erica. She had a cruel glint in her eyes that made me want to avoid her. 

I nodded to Void and then turned and left. Feeling as though I had been kicked out of my own house.


When I get back to Lydia's I'm so frustrated I want to scream. I stop my car in Ldyias driveway and pull down the mirror and look in it. I take a deep breath and shake my head. I shut the mirror and step out of my car. I walk up to the door and find it unlocked, I walk in and everyone's still sitting at the bench eating the pancakes I made.

"Oh finally!" Malia says her mouth full with another pancake. "We keep burning them!" She says smiling.

I shake my head and smile as I walk over to the pan and see the mess they had made. "You have to put butter on the pan before you put the batter in," I say laughing. 

Lydia elbows Malia, "I told you we were missing something!"  She says laughing too.

"Blah Blah. Sure Miss Know-It-All," Malia says rolling her eyes. 

Kira sits beside the two with a hand over her mouth hiding her smile. 

I shake my head as I scrape put the remains of the pancakes from the pan and put some butter in and pour some batter on top. While it's forming a circle I turn to the three of them. "So I meet this girl named Isabella when I went back to my house. She was going for a walk." I say coming up with a lie quickly. I'm not sure why I lie but I'm not sure they'd understand why I let her stay if I hadn't. 

"Oh, yea?" Lydia says as she pulls out her phone. "Was she nice?"

I bite back a knowing smile, "not really, but she reminded me of Erica." I say looking away with a sad smile.

Lydia looks up at me from her phone and offers me a sad smile. "I know how much you miss her." She says pitifully.

I nod. Erica was the one who had set me and Isaac up in the first place. She was always really nice to me and I loved her a lot. She was one of my best friends. We found out just recently that she had died and her dead body had been left in a safe. I was devastated. 

"Who's Erica?" Malia asks quietly from beside Kira who nods. 

"She was one of my really good friends. She died a whole back." I say turning back to the pancake to flip it. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry Malena," Kira murmurs.

I shrug my shoulders and will myself not to cry. "Let's change the subject before I get all mopey," I say and try to smile. 

"What are we most excited about for tomorrow?" Lydia says catching my gist immediately. I smile at her gratefully. 

"Not math, that's for sure," Malia mutters under her breath.

Lydia nudges her again, "if you need help I can help you out. I can give you my notes or something." She says kindly.

Malia nods enthusiastically, "please please do." 

I laugh at her expression. "You can't be failing that badly." I tease lightly.

"Trust me I am," Malia mutters darkly.

Kira laughs at her expression and I join her.

"Come on. Let's go watch a movie." I say as I put a pancake on a plate for myself. "First there gets to pick what we watch," I say smiling.

Malia races off, "let's watch the amazing spider-man!" She calls out. "Andrew Garfield's hot!" 

I chase after her, "oh so now you think he's hot." I call back. 

"I said he was hot first." She says as she flops down on the couch. 

"You did not! I claim him. He's mine. You can have musty dusty Tobey. But Andrew's mine." I say laughing as I sit down on the floor next to the couch she's on

"Sure, sure. Let's just watch the movie." Lydia says as she sits down on the couch opposite me and Kira joins her. 


Two chapters in one day? *gasp*

Sorry, I just really wanted to write about Malena giving Isabella a run for her money. Also, this is an Isabella hate club, don't worry. I don't like her either. :)

thoughts on the chapter? ——>

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