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My eyes open, tired and sore as I take in the bright space which I have awoken in and I see Melissa is standing next to me once again smiling down at me. 

"Hello lovely, nice to see those eyes of yours," Melissa says smiling. 

"Nice to be seen," I yawn back, my whole body aches but with help from Melissa I manage to push myself into a sitting position. 

Melissa is studying my face with a look of concern. "There's someone here to see you," Melissa says smiling. 

I look at her confused when the door opens and Lydia runs in and wraps me in a hug. "Oh my god, Malena. Oh my fucking god. Thank every god to ever exist you are okay." Lydia says pulling back to examine my face. before pulling me into another bone-crushing hug. 

I smile as I put one arm around her and rub her back. "I'm okay Lydia, don't worry." 

Lydia pulls back again pinches my shoulder. I wince slightly.

"What was that for?" I ask in fake hurt. 

"It's for convincing me to check you into that stupid place, I'm so gullible sometimes," Lydia says shaking her head. I chuckle as Scott walks into the room with Kira in tow. 

"Hey Malena," Scott says pushing past Lydia to hug me. He wraps me up and squeezes me hard. 

"Guys, don't kill her, she's still recovering," Melissa says laughing, she walks out of the room chuckling. 

"Oh, I'm so happy your okay," Kira gushes as Scott pulls back from me.

"I am too. I didn't think I would be okay especially after Void gave me the third shot of Haldol." I say smiling a sad smile at the three. 

"I'll fucking kill him, I swear I will," Lydia says fiercely. I grin at her. 

"What are you going to do? Blow his eardrums?" I say teasing her weakly. She smiles at me. 

"Between the two of us, we could I reckon," Lydia says sitting down next to me on the bed. Her smile drops slightly as she looks me up and down. "You could've died Malena. I'm so sorry for agreeing to put you in Eichen house," 

I reach for her hand and squeeze it, "it is not your fault Lydia, you weren't the one who injected me with lethal doses of drugs." I say quietly. 

There's a cough at the door and I look up as everyone turns around and, to my surprise I see Isaac standing there. 

Lydia stands up in an instant and glares at him. "What the hell do you want," She asks coldly. 

I can't help but smirk at Isaacs's reaction. 

"Can we...um talk Malena?" Isaac asks looking around Lydia to me. 

Lydia snaps her fingers in his face, "don't look at her jerk off. She's not going to talk to you."

I snicker as I watch Isaac flinch. "Lydia, let him through. It's okay." I say to her.  

She turns around to throw a worried glance at me but sits back down on the bed and Isaac enters the room. 

He sort of hovers at the foot of the bed unsure what to do. I sigh, "can you guys go outside for a second?" I say to Scott, Kira, and Lydia. 

"Are you sure?" Scott asks skeptically. I nod. He nods to Lydia who follows him out of the room and then gestures for Kira to join them. 

Kira stands up and turns to Isaac. "If you hurt her again I will cut you into pieces and burn them." She says threateningly, and then she turns on her heels and walks out of the room. 

I turn to Isaac, "So?" I ask coldly. 

"I just wanted to...to apologize," Isaac murmured, sitting down beside me, "I'm so so sorry love. I am, I swear. I know you said sleeping with someone isn't an accident, and it wasn't accidental, but I really did love you." Isaac says looking down, "I still love you." He murmurs. 

I sit back and shift uncomfortably in the hospital bed. "Why tell me now?" I ask desperately trying to escape this increasingly awkward conversation. 

"Because when I heard you OD'd I was terrified. I have never been more petrified of anything in my life, I hated how our last conversation went and I didn't want you to die hating me I suppose." Isaac says his voice cracking slightly. I look at him in shock.

"Oh," I say surprised and unsure what to say. "Erm thanks?" I say awkwardly. 

"And Allison wants to apologize to," Isaac continues, my movements come to a halt, and my face freezes at his words, Isaac must notice the movement because he lifts his head. "I know you probably hate her as much, if not more than you hate me but-"

"Don't flatter yourself," I said, my blood boiling as I interrupted him. "I hate you much more than I hate Allison," I said cooly. "But, I didn't want to talk to either of you ever again, if I remember correctly and yet here you are at my sickbed proclaiming your love for me."

I knew I sounded cruel but I was beyond caring. I had cried over this boy for weeks, in fact, my heart still was broken, not yet at the healing process. 

"Malena, I know, I'm sorry okay? We both are. Just give her a chance-" Isaac starts but I interrupt him again.

"Are you two dating?" I ask in a cold voice, "Are you?" I ask again when Isaac didn't answer. 

Isaac looked at the window and his face was stricken with guilt. 

"Well," I say my voice shaking, "that settles it. Goodbye Isaac." 

Isaac looks at me with some look of longing in his eyes. "Malena, pleas-"

Lydia walks in moves to me. "She said goodbye asshole. You had your chance now piss off." 

Isaac tries to move around her but Scott grabs him by the shoulder, "Not today bud." He says and Isaac turns around begrudgingly and is pushed out the door. 

I relax as soon as the door shuts behind him. "Sorry," I apologize to Lydia. 

"Don't be, you have nothing to be sorry for, besides, that was the most fun I've had in ages," Lydia says grinning. 

I smile at her, "I'm glad you enjoyed it." 

"Hey, Malena?" Kira says popping her head into the room, "there's some girl she's never seen before asking Melissa to come to see you, says her name is Marleya or something."

My face spreads into a grin. "Tell Melissa I know her and she's not some random freak," I say smiling. 

"Will do," Kira says skeptically. 

Seconds later Malia pushes into the room. "Fucking finally, I tried telling them I knew you from Eichen but they wouldn't listen," Malia says scoffing, she plops down on the bed next to me ignoring Lydia and Scott completely.

"Hey Malia, how are you?" I ask grinning.

"Terrfic, but there's something I have to tell you," Malia says quickly, "The Nogitsune, he left me a message," Malia says pulling a piece of paper out of her pocket and passing it to me so I can read it. 

The paper read, 

Dear Malia or Malena whichever one of you sees this first,

I would like to apologize for everything, but I am insatiable and I was never going to stay quiet for long. I'm just letting you know because Stiles seems to care for you Malena and since you dragged Malia into this I thought I should warn her too. I am coming, there's nothing you can do to stop me. 

Malena if you see this and remember, everything I said was true. 


I cannot believe I hit 4k reads?? I love you all so much thank you!

I have no idea how much longer this story has but I'm so happy to have hit that milestone!

Thoughts? I haven't had any comments in agessss>>>>

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