Around 3 am when everyone's sleeping I creep downstairs to go and get a glass of water, waking from another dream about Erica. 

 I walk down the stairs and see Isaac standing at the Kitchen bench holding a glass of water, looking absentmindedly out the window as he sips from the glass. He looks at me as I walk down the last few steps and smiles.

"Couldn't sleep?" I ask as I walk to him and he smiles as I push myself up onto the bench.

"Nah," Isaac says kissing my forehead and he rocks back on his feet so he's leaning against the opposite bench.

"Me either. Had a bad dream," I say with a sad smile.

Isaac looks concerned at this revaluation. "Wanna talk about it?" He asks softly and I sigh as I look down to where my feet are swaying. 

"It was just about Rika again," I say with a sad smile and Isaac kisses my forehead understandingly. 

"Oh love," He says and I fight the feeling of the tears that are welling in my eyes. "I miss her too, but I'm so sorry you have to deal with those awful dreams." 

I smile at him, "I miss her a lot at the moment." 

Isaac nods and I shake my head with a sad smile "Anyway, what are you down here for?" 

"I slept for a bit but had a weird dream. It woke me up." Isaac murmurs. He pauses. "Wanna hear what it was?"

I look up at him, "sure, why not." I say flashing him a grin.

"I had a flashback to the day when I went to go help your dad, Stilinski's dad and Scott's mum. Do you know what your dad said to me once we got there?" Isaac says smiling at the memory. I shake my head, dad hadn't said anything about seeing Isaac. "He said, and this is a direct quote, 'I'm glad Malena has you looking out for her. She never told me or her mom anything about the supernatural. She's been dealing with so much in secrecy and keeping it from us. I'm glad she meet you, son.' And then he smiled and got into his car and drove away as if nothing had ever happened." He looks at me smiling and I grin too.

My dad sure has a way with words.

"Well, he's right. I don't know what I'd do without you Lahey," I say smiling at him all cheesy.

"I don't know what I'd do without you James, you save me in more ways than I thought possible. I love you with every fibre in my body." He says grinning down at me and kissing me on the lips through a massive grin. "Or as you'd understand better 'you have bewitched me body and soul'," Isaac says and I laugh. 

"That's the movie quote, but I'll give it to you anyway," I say as I reconnect our lips. My heart swelled with pure love for the man that stood in front of me.

"Gag, ew. Get a room you assholes," Lydia interprets as she walks down the stairs.

"Fuck off Lydia. This is my house, I can kick you out," I say, my mouth pressed against Isaac's who is still smiling too.

"I'd rather die than be here a second longer," Lydia says ignoring my comment about kicking her out. She grabs the last of the several cookies I made off the bench and stomps up the stairs in a huff.

Isaac pulls back from me to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "Kind of put a damper on the moment, but I'm still eager to continue if you are," Isaac says smiling. I scoff.

"We are not hooking up in my kitchen, especially not on the bench." I retort, "Come on, let's just go back to bed." I said dragging him by his hand and to the stairwell.

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Where stories live. Discover now