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Malena's voice was cut off by a thump and someone groaning. I hear the phone clatter to the ground.

I tense as I hear some ruffling come from the line. Someone was picking up the phone.

"If you hurt her any more than you already have I swear to you I'll rip your throat out." I snarl into the phone quietly, before the person on the other end of the line can even say anything.

The person on the line laughs, cold and humourless.

"You had your chance to warn her Isaac. You didn't, that's your choice. Enjoy never seeing your girlfriend again Lahey." The voice is a man, I could tell that much.

But what didn't make sense to me is him calling me Isaac. Unless this whole mess was his fault.

"What do you mean Isaac-" I start but I'm cut off as the line goes dead signalling the other person had hung up the phone.

Lahey. Of course, it had something to do with Isaac. I pull the phone away from my ear and quickly dial his number. The phone rings twice before he answers.

"Hello?" He says, his voice sounding thick with emotion like he's been crying.

The idea of him mourning Malena pisses me off, that shithead didn't deserve to cry over her.

"What did you do to Malena?" I ask into the phone, my voice is cold but I can feel Stiles in the back of my, well his mind, panicking as well.

"What? I...I don't know what you're talking about." He says, hesitating. The breaks in his voice scream to me that he's guilty of this whole mess.

"Tell me you shit-face or I swear to you I will murder you in your fucking sleep." My voice surprises me, it's controlled but internally I'm screaming.

"They took her!" He says, his voice breaking again.

"Who took her you fucking idiot, who." I snarl, my throat is tight.

"I don't know okay! But they said...they said I would never find her again if she was taken. I tried warning her, I went to her Spanish class but she demanded that I left, so I did. I'm sorry Stiles. She's...she's gone." Isaac lets out a strangled cry, everything seeming to hit him at once and I hang up the phone.

Malena can't be gone. There's no way she's gone. This is all just some bad dream and soon I would wake up. But of course, I wasn't dreaming. This was real and I had no idea where to start looking for her.


Every bit of my body ached, but my head hurt the most. I groan loudly as I squint my eyes. I go to rub them only to find my arms restrained by shackles. I open my eyes fully and see my ankles in restraints as well.

My first thought is to try and rip the chains off my body but of course, I'm not a werewolf or a kitsune or even a banshee. It's just me and my good old human abilities.

I feel a tear roll down my cheek and I let out a strangled sob.

This horrific turn of events reminded me too much of the nightmares I had about Erica.

"Hello?" I call into the darkness. I am sitting directly beneath a light strapped to a chair. I can't see anything aside from the chair I'm strapped in and the chains that hold me there. "Hello? Is anyone there? Please, please let me go." I say. I hate the feeling of total weakness that succumbs to my body.

"Aah. She has arisen." Says a masculine voice from behind me. I try to turn and see the face of the person but see only darkness.

"Please! Please let me go! I have nothing, please." I sob. Now I'm body crying. I can feel my body move with the sobs that echo around the room.

"But you see, you do have one thing. Even if it's not a physical item, you know far too much. You shouldn't be a part of the supernatural world. Your finding out was a mistake. Your very existence puts everything at risk." The voice comes from in front of me now. "You Malena, need to go. Permanently."

"I'm sorry," I whisper. "I really am. But I can't change the past. Please." I say quietly. "Please let me go."

The voice laughs. "Drop the sympathy act. Your little boyfriend had every single opportunity to tell you we were coming for the past 3 days. It's his fault if anything, that you're here." I can hear the smirk in the person's voice.

Was he talking about Isaac?

"Are you...are you um talking about Isaac? Isaac Lahey? He and I broke up 3 days ago after I found out that he was cheating on me with my best friend." I say quietly.

I hear someone laugh at my response behind me and I flinch.

"Well, that's unfortunate for you then isn't it." The voice says smugly. "That means no one will come looking for you."

I almost believed him, almost. I knew that Isaac wouldn't come, but Lydia and Scott might. If Stiles told them.

"You're wrong," I say trying to sound confident. "They will come. I'm a part of their pack."

The voice laughs again and the scratch in his voice makes me shiver. " To be a part of a pack or any pack you have to have some kind of supernatural ability or some kind of gift. And what is it that you do?" The voice says pausing. I feel my heart sink. "Nothing, unless you count reading books, which, unfortunately, no one does. You'll be here till the day you die. No one cares enough to come and find you. We've been watching, you've been sick from school for days and weeks at a time, your parents are on a different continent and you and your boyfriend are no longer together. No one will come for you." I hear something click, like someone loading a gun. "And if they do, well, they'll just have to mysteriously disappear too."

I hear footsteps echo across the floor and then a door shutting, I can no longer hold back the rivers of tears that fall from my eyes.

I don't want to die this way. I want to live out some period of my lifetime. I want to travel the world. I at least want the opportunity to say goodbye to my friends and family. But my mind seems to empty itself of all of these desires.

All I can do is hope Void might've actually meant what he said and does care enough to alert someone of what happened to me.


so thats 12! I am going to make an edit of the whole Isaac-Malena-Allison scandal and it will be on my tiktok! the acc is dylan_thomasloml is the acc! Enjoy your day! :)

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Where stories live. Discover now