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When I kiss him I close my eyes. I feel Void stiffen but then relax into it. I stand back looking him in the eyes. His eyebrow raises, as if he's surprised by my action and wants conformation over what the kiss meant.  

"Im...I'm sorry." I murmur. "I should...I should go." I say quietly. I turn on my heel and run out the door of the bathroom. Allison was standing just beside the door, as if she was about to walk in. I feel my face steel. 

"Malena I-" She starts. 

"Save it." I snap. "After everything we'd been through I thought we were friends. Now look at me. I'm a mess Allison, its all your fault. I hope I never see you again." I look her up and down. "You and Isaac deserve each other." 

She stares at me in shock. I turned back to my friends who are still standing in a circle. Scott and Isaac are obviously listening in on the conversation. I walk back up to them and turn Isaac around. 

"And you." I say tears now forming in my eyes. "You said you loved me four nights ago and then processed to make out with my best friend the next day. You are a rotten piece of shit." I say raising my voice. "I don't want to hear whatever pathetic excuse you come up with, but whatever it is here is my response." I look him directly in the eyes. "You told me you loved me with every fibre in your body, you made me feel special, you made me feel loved. So you know what? Go. To. Fucking. Hell. We're done."  I was about to walk off when Isaac grabbed my hand. 

"Wait love, it was an accident-" Isaac starts. I turn around and slap him right across his face. 

"Yea, you can't 'accidentally'"I say making air quotes. "Sleep with someone. Shut the fuck up and deal with your problems like a grown up, not a fucking child." 

I walk off and can feel everyones gaze following me. I walk past Allison and ignore her and keep walking straight to my car. Once I'm there I ball my eyes out.  I just sit there and cry, I hate feeling weak, it's something I've always been powerless to though since I joined the supernatural world with werewolves and huntress and banshees were I was just a mere teenager. Sure, sometimes I was grateful I didn't flip out every full moon but it was weird for me when it really shouldn't have been. Through my sobs I manage to drive home and push open my front door and walk into my living room. As I look around the room at the mess I made I cant help but scream. I go full-blown tantrum mode. I throw everything around, kicking over the books I had stacked besides the coffee table. I run up the stairs and just pull at my sheets, ripping them out without even seeing what piece of fabric I grabbed, no longer caring about how it looked. Once the sheets have been ripped from the bed I just sob and fall to the ground, my heart broke for the boy who was in love with my best friend. 


The next morning I wake, still laying where I had been the night before when I broke down. I stand up and stretch my back, which is now aching badly. I look at the mess I had made the night before. I had outdone myself, my sheets were spread around the floor in various different places. I look around at the mess I had made and decide to wash my sheets and clean up my mess. I walk down the stairs with my sheets and see the damage I had done to the living room. It was bad, the coffee table had been turned over on its side. My books had been brutally teared from their places on the shelves and were strewn across the floor. At some point, which point I'm not sure, I had gotten in to the fire place and thrown a log across the room. I sure had made quite a mess for myself to clean up. 

I start with the wood, grabbing the vacuum cleaner out of the closet. Slowly but surely I manage to tidy up the living room. I decide to write a letter to my parents, I'd been doing this as often as I could, it would reach them a couple days from now but at least they would know me and Isaac are no longer. I keep the letter short and make it seem like I'm as fine as I can be. I put the pen down and the decide to drop the letter off at the post office, that way it'll reach them as soon as it can.  Once I'm in my car I drive past the hospital on my way to the post office and cant help but think of Mellissa, then Scott and then Isaac. I'm still thinking of them all as I pull into the post office to mail my letter when I see Noah and Mellissa having a hushed conversation next to the post box. I let my curiosity get the better of me as I quietly get out of my car and walk over to them, eavesdropping on the conversation. 

"...they have a right to know Noah. Imagine how upset the poor girl would be if she got a letter from them asking how Isaac was? It would destroy her." Mellissa says quietly, I see a letter in her hands and realise they are talking about my parents. 

"The girl can take care of herself Mellissa. She's done it so far hasn't she? From what I've heard she gave Isaac a good run for him money too, no less than he deserved." Noah mutter darkly. I cant help but blush at the thought go Noah and Mellisa hearing about my performance. I decide in that moment to make my presence known as I walk out from the corner I had been hiding behind. 

"Oh hey guys." I say quietly, smiling at them both. 

They both jump and Mellissa makes an effort to hide the envelope in her hands but I've already seen it and she realise she's too late.   

"Just mailing a letter." She says smiling at me. I nod and drop my letter into the box beside her. 

"Me too." I say. I start to walk back to my car. "Well, it was great seeing you both. Tell Scott and Stiles I say hello." I say awkwardly. 

"We're always here if you want to...you know talk." Mellissa says comfortingly. Noah nods next to her, looking extremely awkward in this situation. 

"Thanks Melissa. I should go now." I say, turning to my car. Her words have got me thinking of void now, and the kiss. On the way to my car I see Noah's car and Void sitting in the front seat, waiting fo this dad. I wave to him and he grins at me and winks. 

Stupid feelings. 

Once I'm in my car I let the hopeless feeling of nothingness over take me again. 


Okay I feel like that was a filler chapter but enjoy! Dont forget to vote <3

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