The Beginning...

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Hey everyone.

My name is Lilah Sage. I am not a professional writer in any way shape or form but I have been working on this fic for a couple of months and I thought it fit I post it. I wanted this book to be as realistic as it can be in my point of view so everything in this book is from my mind and my au.

Before you read I want to give you a couple of disclaimers. First of all, this is a Larry Stylinson book. If you are not interested in that please do not read and if you don't give me hate about it in the comments. I will not be writing any smut in this book and I do not plan on ever doing so so I would highly appreciate not being begged to do so. If you want to read that I am guessing there are hundreds of books out there. I will also say in this book Ziam is a thing and the same things apply as before regarding that.

This book talks about homophobia a lot but does not use any turns of hate because being someone of the LGBTQ community I didn't want to. I also swear in this book a lot.

I also made a Spotify playlist with the songs that I listened to and each chapter is inspired by. If you want to listen to it's here is the link:
I would highly recommend that you do because music can completely change the feel of the book. If you don't have Spotify I will tell you what the song is at the beginning of each chapter. Just listen on repeat and enjoy!

I am really excited for all of you to read this. If any of you are here. I really hope you like it and please give comments and feedback!

Love you all!
Lilah Sage.

P.S I am terrible at spelling so if you see a grammatical error just ignore it and if you can't understand it at all shoot me a message or a comment.

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