Chapter Nine.

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Playlist Sing: Act My Age, One Direction

Winter 2010

I watch through the glass door or the X-Factor house, Louis is talking to the camera as I throw snowballs at him from outside. Hitting the closed glass door. The cameraman walks away and Louis looks back at me fondly. I blow him a kiss and he pretends to catch it and put it to his lips. I smile and walk up to the door. Simon has made it clear to us that me doesn't want any "homosexual acts" happening on camera and to our dismay we try to at least not kiss in front of the many camera people running around the large house. I walk inside and take off my boots and coat. Louis takes my hand and leads me down the many hallways to the stairs where we go up to our room that we share with all the boys.

Niall and Zayn are sitting in there playing video games so we go downstairs to one of the vacant living rooms. We sit close together and talk about what we hope for in the future. We talk about the small band that Simon has made with each of the three other members we have become very close with. Zayn we thankfully put in our group and we have been able to get to know him even more. Liam is a really talented singer and he knows the ropes of the X-Factor because he was here two years ago. He's Louis' age but acts much more mature and is basically the parent of the group. When I first met Niall I thought that he sounded weird. His thick Irish accent made it hard for me to understand him and I thought that he was weird. Which I have found out that he actually is. He's the kind of lad that likes potato chips in his sandwiches and does Irish step dancing all over the house. I feel overly lucky with how the group turned out but most importantly I'm glad that I got to be with Louis. If we had to compete against each other it would have broken me so I am so thankful that Simon put us together. Even with him knowing that we knew each other ahead of time.

We spend as much time together as possible and even when we're doing video diaries and performances we are able to stay close. I really hope that Simon lets it stay that way. When he told us to not act gay infront of the camera I cried. I had never dealt with tht kind of homophobia before and to be honest I didn't expect it. I mean it's 2010. I came out to my parents when I was ten years old and my sister even longer before that so I didn't really know what it was gonna be like. Louis is my first boyfriend. And I couldn't wish for anyone better.


It's been two years since the band started and three since me and Louis got together. We've produced three albums and over three hundred shows and the handcuffs that management has us in are getting tighter by the minute. What used to be not being able to kiss on camera is now not being able to sit next to each other even. I wouldn't say that my life is perfect but I also wouldn't trade it for the world. I have gotten to spend everyday with my best mates and the love of my life.

Right now we're all in Niall's hotel room partying after our last show of our Take Me Home tour. We're in Japan and doing what we know best to celebrate. Drinking way too much beer, playing mario kart and randomly running around the long hallways of the hotel. Me and Zayn are hiding at the elevators of the top floor for Paul who is planning on forcing all to go to our separate rooms to sleep. We recently finished filming our documentary and all of us are relieved to not have cameras in our faces twenty four seven.

We see Paul round the corner just in time for the elevator to open so we jump inside and push the button to close the door. Paul runs over to us and tries to push his hand to stop the doors but they just close anyway. We laugh and then ride the elevator all the way down to the lobby. We go to the candy dish and grab all of the Japanese candies there and stuff them in our shirts so we can run back to our room and eat them in the closet where Paul can't find us.
"Shit!" Zayn yelps and grabs my arm seeing Paul running at us from behind. His face is beet red but he is running at a pretty fast pace. We grab one of the carts from the cart stand and I get on. Zayn pushes from behind and we run to get to the elevator. When we got there Paul was too close behind us to catch the lift so we ditched our cart and ran down the hall to the stairs.

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