Chapter Six.

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Playlist Song: Little Black Dress, One Direction

Fall 2015

The next morning I seemingly forgot about the events that took place the night before so once I came back to reality it hit me like a ton of bricks. I feel my heart hurt in my chest and my head aches from lack of sleep. Louis got up before me so I woke up to the bed empty beside me. I take out my phone seeing the regular hundreds of Instagram notifications but next to it is a text from the group chat with all the boys.

11:34 PM

Lima: Just got a call from Simon. I really hate him right now.

LouBear ❤: We got one too. Harry's really beat up about it.

Nialler: See you guys at breakfast.

I sigh. I get out of bed and put on some sweat pants and an oversized sweatshirt. I don't feel like getting dressed and I know that I'll have to change at the show anyways. I put my hair up in a bun and grab my phone and wallet.

I walk out of the large hotel room and down the hall to the elevator. I get inside and then click the button for the bottom floor. After a couple of minutes, the door dings open and I step out into the crowded lobby. I walk down to the V.I.P breakfast bar where the other boys are sitting at a small table. I walk over behind Louis and wrap my arms around him.
"Good Morning lovely," he says, kissing my hand.
"Good morning," I say. I kiss his hair and then walk over to grab some food. After I've filled my plate I walk over and sit down next to Louis and Liam.
"So what are we gonna do about the whole Simon thing?" I ask about digging into my food.
"I don't know," Liam says. "I mean honestly we may have to take legal action to get out of this." I sigh. Not wanting to deal with Simon's bullshit this early in the morning.
"Is he gonna be at the show?" I ask.
"We don't know. I for sure hope not," Niall says. I nod in agreement. We spend the rest of the meal making small talk, not going too deep into the phenomenons of our current situation.

Later once we've all gone back tour separate hotel rooms and are getting packed up for the long bus ride to the venue we'll be performing at tonight. Me and Louis spend some time watching TV and hanging out before we decide to pack up. I grab our suitcases from the small closets and get my clothes from the dresser. About half an hour later I get a call from Paul saying the bus arrived. We all checked out of the hotel and met at the lobby with our luggage. I can tell that Niall's upset about this upcoming show so I pull him into my side affectionately. We wait a couple of minutes before the big red tour bus pulls up and we all exit the building and climb on. The familiar small space feels like home and we all eventually make our way over to the small sitting area at the back of the bus.
"What do we want to do?" I ask pulling Louis closer to me as he sits beside me. He kisses my cheeks.
"I think I'm gonna take a nap," Liam says.
"Okay. Night Li," I say and we all chime in with our own goodnights and I love yous.

"Well, what do we want to do?" I say turning to Louis and Niall after Liam has gotten into the small tour bus bed.
"I think we should let loose a little," Louis says, getting up and walking over to the small cooler that has beers in it.
"Don't get too excited," Paul calls from the driver's seat. We laugh and then each of us has a beer in our hands and is laughing about random things that one of us said.
"Do you remember when you guys trashed Cher's dressing room?" Niall says through an abundance of laughing.
"Oh my god! Yes!" I say laughing loudly. I hear Louis chuckle beside me.
"She got so mad!" Niall says, taking another sip of his beer.

"No more beers for any of you," Paul says. "We're only about five minutes from the venue so eat some food and drink some water. I don't need to get fired because of your dumb asses." I hear him chuckle.
"Love you, Paul!" I say downing the rest of my beer and then throwing the empty can into the trash perfectly. Niall looks at me astonished and then bursts into laughter. I get up and walk over to the snack bar. I grab a bag of crisps and bring them back over to my seat. We spend the rest of the drive eating the entire bag and singing weird Irish songs (to Niall's request). Once we arrive at the show I wake up Liam and we all run off the bus and into the building.

please don't take my sunshine away...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz