Chapter Eight.

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okay so i know i normally only post two chapters at time but this is my favorite chapter and i really wanted to to end on a 2015 chapter so it all lines up. anyways enjoy.

Playlist Sing: Fool For You,  Zayn (if you haven't been listening to the playlist songs you have to listen to this one. it is the whole vibe. i'm watching you)

okay anyway. let's get to the chapter.

Fall 2015

    In about half an hour everyone is awake and we all sit quietly, all of us too sleep-deprived to do much of anything. Around noon we arrive at the hotel in Dublin where we will be staying for the next couple of nights before we go to Mullingar where we will be staying with Niall's family. We pull up to a large brick building with a white and gold grand entrance. I have always admired Ireland for its architecture next to the crappy hotels in LA that we've stayed in. We grab our minimal luggage and get off the tour bus. It smells like fresh-cut grass and light rain mists the tight sidewalk. We all walked over to the hotel. I walk with Liam because me and Louis know better than to walk next to each other in public. Simon would literally kill us at this point. When we arrive I look up at the detailed painted ceiling and smile. Louis comes up behind me and kisses my neck sweetly. I turn around to face him and peck him on the lips.

    We check-in and then we all go up to the top floor where our rooms are. The hotel was quite booked so we were only able to get two rooms so Niall and Liam are sharing. After we each go into our separate rooms I fall onto the large white bed face first. Immensely tired from our night travels. Louis walks around the small room and puts away our stuff. I drift off to sleep for a few minutes only to be woken by Louis laying down beside me a second later.
"You didn't even take off your shoes babe," Louis says with a laugh. I look down at my feet to see my Chelsea Boots still on. I sigh and take them off along with my coat. I climb up to where Louis is laying at the top of the bed and kiss him passionately. I straddle his small frame and my hands stay on either side of his face. He kisses me back with the same force and I feel him play with the small curls at the back of my neck. I smile into the kiss giving him entrance and his tongue explores my mouth making me moan slightly.

    I pull away from him much to his dismay and get out of the bed. I go into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I can't stop the wide smile that rests on my face. My dimples prominent. A second later Louis comes into the bathroom and wraps his arms around me from behind. He slips his hands underneath my shirt and lightly touches my tattooed chest. He tugs at the hem and I turn around to kiss him again. I press my lips to his and I feel him slowly remove my shirt. I oblige and pull away from him for a second to pull it over my head. I kiss him again with even more passion and he starts walking backward into the small bedroom. He turns us around and pushes me back onto the bed. He lets go of me and removes his own shirt showing his own tattooed chest. He straddles my larger rame and I run my large hands down his chest.

    I skooch farther up on the bed and then pull his face down to mine and kiss him. He pulls his lips away from mine and kisses down my neck while I unbuckle his belt. I moan softly as he sucks on my sweet spot. I smile and then pull his pants down so he's only in his boxers. He lets go of my neck and unbuttons my own pants until we're both in only our boxers.
"I love you," I say, kissing him softly.
"I love you too," he says.

Later that day we all met up to go on a little shopping spree for our next show which is tomorrow evening. We all walk down the cobblestone sidewalk together. Me and Niall at the front, Paul in the middle, and Louis and Liam at the back of our small group. We are each wearing jackets and have umbrellas for the reason of the light rain shower. I hear Louis Liam and Paul joking about something behind us and I smile contentedly to myself. I look over at Niall to see him looking at me with a smirk on his lips. He points to a spot on my neck. I quickly blush and cover it with my hand knowing there was a hickey there from this morning.
"Hehehe! You have a hickey," he says rather loudly.
"Oh my god, Niall. You're such a child," I say laughing.
"It's good to know that you guys are," he raises his eyebrows and winks. "You know.." he says.
"Nialll. You are way too involved in our sex life," I say with a chuckle.
"Well someone in the group has to be the captain of your ship. I find it my duty," he says as we round the corner.

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