Chapter Five.

42 3 17

Spring 2010

    We walk down the London streets hand in hand to the top of the hill where my small house sits. We talked about Louis' uni and my high school exams and then the bakery.
"How long have you been working there?" Louis asks, looking up at me.
"I started sophomore year," I say looking down at our hands swinging back and forth between us.
"Do you have a job?" I ask.
"I've worked many places, yes, but I am at the moment working at the local Toys R' Us," he says.
"What happened to the other places?" I ask hoping not to strike a nerve.
"Oh. I guess you could say I was too much for their services," he says walking backward so he can look at me. I giggle and my smile is so big that I know my dimples are out.

    Louis stops in his tracks and I do the same. He steps closer to me and closer until I can feel his breath on my cheek. With his hand that is not in mine, he brushes my hair behind my ear. My whole body tingles with anticipation and butterflies erupt inside of me. He takes his hand out of mine and holds my chin up lightly. I close my eyes and my breath comes ragged.
"You have the most gorgeous eyes Harry Styles," he says so softly it could be a whisper. I feel my breath hitch and my eyes open to see Louis looking at me intently. His hand slips from my hair and my chin becomes untouched. His hand slides back into mine and he pulls me out of my trance by starting to walk again.

    I watch as he looks down and bites his lip to try and console a smile. I smile as well and shove him affectionately.
"Don't go all shy on my Tomlinson," I say. He giggles and picks his head up so he's looking at the grey cobblestone street we're walking on. I smile again and watch both of our feet as we walk slowly. His white converse next to my purple velvet trainers. I watch as our steps line up perfectly.

    A moment later I can see the small brick and concrete house that I have lived in for most of my life. When we reach the driveway I see an unfamiliar car in the driveway. Louis sees me looking at it confused.
"Oh, that's my car. I dropped it off here before walking down to the bakery to surprise you," he says. I smile thinking of Louis doing all of this just to surprise me. We walk up the red brick pathway to the black door. I unlock it and step inside.
"Mom, I'm home!" I call through the small house.
"I'm in the sitting room!" she calls back. I take off my shoes and watch as Louis does the same. I take off his denim jacket for him and hang it on the hooks beside us. I see the light blush that dusts his cheeks as I take off my own sweatshirt.

    I take his hand and pull him into the living room where my mom is sitting reading a book. She takes the glasses off her nose and looks up at me and Louis.
"This is Louis," I said with a smile.
"Hi Mrs. Styles," he says quietly.
"Oh please call me Anne," she says and stands up to pull Louis into an embrace. She winks at me over his shoulder and I roll my eyes. After mom lets go of him I grab his arm and pull him up the stairs.
"We're going to my room!" I called back.
"Alright! Have fun!" she calls back.

    Once me and Louis get to the top of the stairs he follows me down the hallway and to the right that leads to my small bedroom. The walls are light cream and my small twin bed is covered in a red and blue blanket. I walk in and sit down on my bed and watch Louis standing in the doorway and looking around. I smile and take out my black iPod and earphones. I beckon for Louis to come to sit beside me and when he does I place one of the white earbuds in his hand. I watch as he carefully places it in his ear and the look on his face as the loud music of Fleetwood Mac floods through both our ears. He looks at me and a wide smile spreads across his face. I take my own earbud out and walk over to the Bluetooth speaker on my desk. I turn it on and hear the melodic sound of the connection. I turn on the speaker and soon the loud music is circulating all around the room.

    Louis takes out the headphones and looks at me. I dance around the room to the upbeat music and Louis just looks at me and smiles. I dance over to him and grab both of his hands pulling him off the bed and forcing him to dance with me.
"I can't dance!" Louis basically yells over the music.
"Bullshit!" I say. "Do you think I can?" I gesture to my awkward movements. He smiles.
"Do it anyway!" I say closing my eyes and letting the music take over. When I open my eyes again I see Louis dancing around the room with me. I smile and laugh. We both belt out the lyrics to each and every song. His voice high and raspy and mine deep makes us sing in perfect harmony.
    He moves over to me and grabs my hand and spins us around. The world feels like it's going in slow motion. Every single time he laughs I feel like I'm going to explode. I watch as he closes his eyes in bliss and dances oddly to the singing of Stevie Nicks. His eyes open and bright blue sparkles with the evening light and everything seems magical. I feel so alive. Our dance party is interrupted by my mom calling us downstairs for dinner.
"Coming!" I say and click the button to turn off the speaker. I look at Louis and both of us laugh hysterically because both our hair is a mess and we're all sweaty and gross. 

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