Chapter Fourteen.

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Playlist Song: hoax, Taylor Swift

Fall 2015

    I twirl the two connected rings on my finger as we wait at the large table for our meeting with management where we will discuss the hiatus. Louis and Liam are beside me and Niall is next to Louis. Louis is lightly tapping his foot.
"Can you stop that," I say. Silence. I chew my nails in anticipation. A second later Will Bloomfeild opens the door and walks in.
"Hello boys," he says plainly. We all say our own hellos and I feel a bit relieved that he is the one leading the meeting because he is the most empathetic member of the team.
"Okay, let's get started," he says, opening up his computer.
"So we understand that you guys want to completely end the band but there are many reasons why that is unfunctional," I roll my eyes and sigh quietly.
"If you have something to say Harry I would thoroughly enjoy hearing your opinion," he says, taking the glasses of his nose and looking at me with his arms resting on the table.

    "I think that honestly you don't even need to try to agree with us. We have worked with you for almost five years and we have agreed on nothing. You will do whatever the fuck you want and use us as your puppets. It's just the facts," I say looking him straight in the eye.
"Harry, I know that it hasn't been easy for you to follow our rules-" I snort. He stopped talking and looked at me.
"If you don't want to be here Harry there's the door," he says pointing across the room. I look at him again and then get out of my chair and walk out of the room. I hear him carry on about the meeting behind me as I reach the door and open it.
"If any more of you want to leave, feel free," I hear him say right before I close the door behind me. I stand with my back pressed up against the wall next to the door and close my eyes.

I am so tired of all of this. I am brought back when the door clicks open. I slowly open my eyes and see Niall standing in front of me.
"If you want to act like a dick fine by me but you can't walk out of a meeting and we all know it," he says, crossing his arms in front of him as he looks at me angrily.
"I'm done with their shit," I say.
"We all are but this is our only chance to actually get what we want out of this meeting so get your ass back in there," he says stepping back into the room. I sigh and follow him slowly.

    "Thank you for joining us," Will says without looking up from his computer when I walk in the door. I return back to my seat next to Louis and he rests a comforting hand on my knee.
"As I was saying," Will says from the front of the table. "The fans are of course going to be upset about you going on hiatus but if it's only going to be for eighteen months you will have time to maybe start some solo music but not for too long that we lose directioners," the thought of doing solo music fascinates me but the fact that they won't allow us to do it for long makes me what to rip someone's head off.
"So under these circumstances all contracts will be in place and you will all be connected to modest and sico the entire time. The contract that is in place now will be in place for another five years unless we have an agreed departure and you all find new management and producers." he says typing something on his computer quickly.
"I want to know your view on that," he looks up at all of us.

    Liam is the first to speak and probably the most civil.
"I think that the idea of us being able to do solo music on hiatus is a great idea but I'm wondering that if one of us becomes really big solo will we still be forced to come back to the band?" he asked calmly.
"I think that is a very valid question," Will says. "I think that we will have to see what happens if any of you become big solo then we will have to incorporate your new music when the band is brought back for a reunion." he types a note.
"But wait," I say. "After this break we are going to be forced back right?" I say. He looks up at me.
"'Forced' is a bit much but it will be mandatory for your return," he says.

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