Chapter Fifteen.

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Playlist Song: The Good Side, Troy Sivan.

i'll give you a hint. it's in the description.

September 2012

The boys arrive all together at around noon. All questioning the surprise gathering, me and Louis notified them about it.
"Hey mates," Niall says loudly when he walks in the door. Me and Louis are in the kitchen talking while I make lunch.
"We're in the kitchen," I yell, a second later three happy faces come into the room. Niall takes a seat at the island and starts eating the snacks that I put out on the table for him.
"What's this about?" Zayn asks, grabbing a soda from the fridge.
"Oh nothing," Louis says. "We just wanted to hang with you lads," I step away from the sandwiches I'm making and wrap my arms around Loui's waist from behind. Niall looks at us weirdly.
"You guys made up I take it," he says, shoving crisps in his mouth.

"What do you mean 'made up'?" Liam asks. "Did you guys have another fight or something?"
"Well Louis came over to my house in distress and said that he thought it was over," Niall says.
"We did have a fight," I say looking over Louis' shoulder at everyone. "But we figured it out," I say. Louis turns around slightly and pecks my lips. I smile.
"No thank you!" Niall says, pretending to cover his eyes. I laugh and then go to finish up the sandwitches I'm making for lunch.

After I finish up I put them all on plates and pass them out to the boys who eat them eagerly. I go and stand next to Louis and dig into mine.
"So we have a studio meeting next week," Liam says with his mouth full of food. We all nod our heads.
"I have some ideas for the new album," Niall says.
"Me too," I say. We all eat in silence for a second. At some points someone says something funny and we all burst into laughter. It's a good time.

About an hour later me and Louis go off to the side to discuss. All of the boys are in the living room playing mario kart.
"What the fuck do we do?" Louis asks. "At this rate they won't notice for hours!"
"I know," I say. "What if I just use my hands a lot and then they might notice?" Louis sighs.
"We'll try it," he says. I peck his lips and when we turn around all of the boys are sitting at the counter looking at us.
"What was that about?" Niall asks with raised eyebrows.
"Nothing," I say surprised by seeing all of them right next to us.

I go and sit down at the table next to Liam. Louis grabs all of us a soda from the fridge and passes them out.
"C'mon lads," Zayn says. "What was going on back there?" I look over at Louis.
"We were discussing," he says, keeping eye contact with me. I look at him and try to tell him to stop with only my eyes.
"What to get Niall for his birthday." Louis says finally coming up with something. Niall looks between both of us questioningly.
"My birthday is on the 13th," he says. "It's the- what day is it Liam?"
"It's the 29th," Liam says looking down at his watch.
"Yeah, It's the 29th. So why are you getting me a birthday present?" Niall says.
"Because we love you so much!" I say walking over and giving him a hug.

All of the boys look at me weird.
"You are insane," Zayn says, taking a sip of his coke. A couple minutes later everyone had forgotten about the awkward moment before and were all chatting aimlessly. Louis is standing beside me and I have my elbows rested on the countertop.
"What the fuck is that." Niall says. Me and Louis both turn our heads to him. I see that he is looking at my ring and I smile.
"What?" Liam says.
"What the fuck is that!" he says louder standing up covering his mouth with his hand.
"Oh my god!" Liam says noticing. Niall runs over to me and Louis and hugs us both tightly. Liam follows shortly after.
"Why is everyone hugging," Zayn asks looking thoroughly confused. I hold up my hand out of the massive hug and wiggle my ring finger.
"Harry!" Zayn squeals.

Soon we were all in a massive group hug. I look at Louis through the mess of arms and bodys.
"I love you," I mouth.
"I love you too," he mouths back. I smile and wink. I watch as his cheeks cover in rose blush. He smiles back. A couple seconds later we all pull away and then Niall hugs me individually.
"How did it happen?"
"When's the wedding?"
"How are you gonna tell everyone?" They all say at the same time. I laugh.
"Let's go sit down and we'll tell you everything," I say, leading everyone to the living room.

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