An actual nightmare

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Those were the days,

When we walked in no fright,
When there wasn't even a single ounce of light,
When our kingdom glowed so bright,
Yet, it had to flourish in night!

Those were the days,

When we didn't cried on our loss,
When our character was such of a moss,
When we didn't fear to cross,
Anyone who dared to be gross!

We were left unharmed but damaged in ways; it can't be explained. In places; it can't be healed.
We committed mistakes that were not at all worthy of the price it cost us; but still we used to make mistakes. And even after all these atrocities,

We tried,
We tried, because we strive to fight
Even if it took all our might,
And then shall we reach the height,
Where I can say,
I shall make it all right!

---Avery Silas 'Rosewood'

Even after knowing everything about what people possibly call dangerous, I never thought I'll be on the receiving end of this feeling. The feeling of being threatened. The feeling of seeing something come into your life;which is totally unwanted by you; and destroy everything that you've worked so hard to build.

When a person works day and night to create an empire, he is praised. But one day when he decides to leave that place, he is being sucked back into that blackhole, he himself created. Not having your choice with you and having a choice and not choosing it are two different things. People blame each other and play the card of being victim, saying, 'they had no choice',but they do.

They always do. They just don't want to admit it, beacuse they like to take the easy way. And that's the reason they're weak. But being weak and feeling weak are not the complete antonyms of each other. In fact they're way more similar than we care to acknowledge.

You know it you're weak and if someone points it out, Voila! now you're feeling weak too! But being made to feel weak is completely different.

And that is what I was feeling right now. I did many horrible things in past and I believe I had correct explanation to do so. But I do not want that part of my being to be awaken. I do not want to be that version of myself .

'Not want to' being the keyword.

If you force me to, I can show you hell and back in just the blink of an eye. A lioness doesn't needs to hunt, to keep the eyesores at bay.

A very slim figure came to my view as I made my way through the abandoned alleys of Swansea.

"I hope you're not here to disappoint me" I said to a girl younger than me, having pale blue eyes, and black hair. "It's an honor to meet you in person, Frost." She said as she clearly tried to search my eyes. My leather mask has kept most of my face hidden but my eyes were still on display. But I kept them hidden through contact lenses.

"Michelle." I nodded at her. " Diana has left the westward wing and the whole Cartel just 5 months after you vanished." She said as I kept my voice and eyes devoid of any emotion. "Anything else?" I said as she opened her mouth. " She has started her own business....and I kept my tracks clean." She concluded after a pause. I gave her signal to go as I myself made home with this unsettling news.


Ruby's POV.

It was bad enough that Jason erked on Something like this but it was also a good thing as it helped Dom and Aiden show us the things they have kept hidden from us.

But no matter what I was not able to take it off my mind. Even if it was over and Jason was back to his normal self. We even teased Dom and gossiped about the fight between Aiden and Avery. But still a corner of my mind was not ready to let go of the scotland yard incident.

Such cruelty and sadist nature can only be seen in a crime of passion. And those who commit these types of crime are usually the victim in the first place. Wow Ruby! Your brothers are trying to find a hard-core criminal and here you are, walking on a road, in dark, alone, sympathizing with Frost.

5 minutes later~

Something was not right. I felt like I was being watched. I remained calm and walked ahead as I was now confirmed that someone was definitely following me.


20 mins of hide and seek and a bottle was smashed to pieces in front of me. 5-7 sinister looking men were there. "You're definitely wrong if you think you can sort me out" I thought as the thinnest of them made a grab for me. I dodged his strikes as I went for his right abdomen. But it was not enough as 2 other men were also joining in the fight.

I climbed up the metal pole as one of them bumped there head on it. And I jumped on the shoulder of the first one as I knocked the third one out with a kick to his throat. "3 down, 4 yet to go" I thought as this time all of them attacked together.

I punched one of them as the other one grabbed me from my waist and lifted me up to stop me. But it proved to be an advantage as I kicked another man on the center of his head and elbowed the man who was holding me by the waist, in his upper chest. My floral top and blue regular jeans proved to be a great choice for a midnight walk on the streets as I kicked on the shoulder of the man who bumped his head on the metal pole.

It was almost over as I dealt with the last one before forcefully blowing a jab to his left knee. He knelt to the ground as I started walking away. 1...2...3...'click-clock, boom' . After taking 3 mere steps I felt something poked inside my left ribs. It was not a bullet.
It was a tranquilizer.
No, no, can't be like this. I have to be conscious.
But how can I when they shot me with the strongest sedative out there!

Hey there! I know I am updating after a long time and this won't continue! Anyways if you love the story then please press this button ☆
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