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27th October, Wednesday
10:45 am.

The United Kingdom as we have seen was quite neutral during the France-Prussian War, but it also provided numerous medical assistance to both the sides during the war. More than £300,000 of donations was made by the British public to provide for medical services. Since not having good relations with either of the formidable forces, Britain thought that supporting a potential enemy was not worth to endanger their motto I.e, Balance of Power.

Our professor ended the class with his explanation to the question, 'why Britain didn't support France or Germany?'. The lunch break started five minutes after his departure from our hall. All the students started to pack their belongings and venture out to the university canteen. A place that I might have loathed heavily, but right now I am going there. For work.

The hustle and bustle of the university and it's students can be witnessed as soon as you enter this lake of swarming, characterised bees which are in the form of people. A glance here and one there, and I found Jason sitting on one corner with the butterscotch colored wall as it's background. The navy blue chairs were very uncomfortable to sit in but thankfully, I knew how to adjust quickly.

I took long and fast strides towards him and sat on one of the chairs before he could have a pregnant pause in his mind about my presence. "To what do I owe the displeasure of seeing you sit here?" He queried with a sharp tone of voice though his volume was low.

"Certainly not to eat. I want to know if you have any bedroom pictures or do any of you know how the bedrooms and other areas of the Glimson's mansion looked from the inside before the blast?" I asked in the same low tone to both of the younger Coleman siblings. The corner seat was an advantage to us for sure. "I don't know about the pictures but I do know how it looked from the inside. If its needed, then I can provide the structural specifications needed to construct the place." Ruby answered somewhat looking curious as to why I was asking for it.

"First of all, they could have renovated the place since we have been there. It can be hard to recognise everything properly now. Second of all, why are we having this conversation here out of all the places?" Jason had a point. It's risky to talk about these things in open areas even if you're whispering. But I had to make sure of everything that they know before coming to a conclusion. And for that, risk has to be taken.

"If I have the structural design, then I can surely classify what or which place they can renovate. It will be easier to determine the rooms then. And I need to make sure of all the things that I need, to know exactly what happened in that place. For that, we have to take this risk of talking in a public place. For example: university canteen."

I concluded and took out a paper and a pen from my bag. I wrote an IP address and a number on that peice of paper. After writing everything, I folded it carefully and handed it to Ruby. "Don't misplace it. We need it today in the evening for the disection of the blast." I said in dead serious tone and excused myself from there table.

I made my way out of that place, checking the time on my watch. It read 11:35 am. I still have 25 minutes to stroll around. I thought to myself.


In the Evening.
Coleman Main Residence.
45 Albert Street, Llanelli, SA14, 6DD.


To be fair, I have never seen such a situation where instead of getting rid of the problematic things, these people are hiding it. I had talked to some of the people who are related to the mobs working in SC cartel but, nothing. None of them have either seen or heard anything similar a golden gun. Or well that's what they prefer to tell anyone.

How can you not remember the same sinful object that almost made you lose your job just an year ago?

Anyways, I intend to get a more detailed description about the looks of this gun from the mighty owner itself. Moreover, we still have to discuss what did she mean by making us watch an ample of pictures of the Glimson's mansion before the blast.

"Good grace that you had the time to come, Frost." Jason somewhat sneered at her as soon as she entered the room. It would be a little hostile for her in the beginning of working with us; I thought but as soon as I saw her unbothered yet icy glare being delivered to Jason, I knew better.

"So, I believe you all have seen the pictures that I sent on that link? Well, is there anything that jumps out to you specifically?" She asked to all of us. The pictures that she sent were taken just 10-15 mins before the blast took place, that was given. Other than that, everything looked awfully normal. Almost as if it was made to look like that.

"Nothing at all. If you don't count just how staged all of this arrangements look." It was Dominic's turn. He was still a bit rigid but atleast he was willing to work in this after everything. "Maybe. Maybe not. Any-

"There is a awful lot of perfumes. Every nook and corner is decorated with a bottle of fragranced liquid. Given that Mali was osmophobiac, it's strange." Jason was the one to make the observation as we all looked at him.

"Osmophobiac? As in hypersensitivity to smell? Was she sensitive to perfumes?" Avery asked as she squinted her eyes at Jason. "Mali was a friend of mine before she married Trevor. Hence, why I know she was sensitive to smells. And yes, perfumes were one of the most triggering things to her."

He answered Avery's question as well as all of our curious stares.

"Did Trevor knew about this? Because if he did, then someone has to explain the loads of perfumes present in the mansion." Ruby's query was something that we all shared. Mali was Jason's friend? This was a news to me. "I don't think so. Trevor, as much as I know, loved his wife very much." I could practically see the wheels turn inside Avery's head.

"Did someone died outside the range of the explosion? Anyone?" Am I hearing a strategy of murder? "Yes. Mali; Trevor's wife and Victor; his brother. Both of their bodies were found in the back garden. It was not completely out of range of the attack but it was not the center of it too." I answered as I handed her the close up photos of their bodies. Well, what can I say? These were the only dead bodies which can be recognised without DNA test and through pictures. For some reason, Mali's picture intrigued her. Then her eyes sweeped across the table, all upon our respective computers

"Can I use one?" She asked referring to the Computer. I offered mine, instantly. Figured it would be awkward for my siblings to share their's. "Are all the servers present here legal? If they are, then shut them beacuse I am going to open an illegal site. I don't need to tell you that the FBI will be at your tail faster than the Sherlock Holmes, I suppose." She said after which I ordered Joshua through a call to log off the server connection.

She typed something before something which greatly resembled a profile opened in the research screen. Oh goodness!

"I think I know what went down the Glimson's gutter."


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