The Golden Gun

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1 week later.

24th October, Sunday.


My mind still could not comprehend what happened that night. We have seen people kill, but Frost? It was just like 10 years ago all again. In my right state of mind, I would have never imagined Avery to be Frost. None of us could. But then, who can blame us?

We were humans and reactions are a part of our nature. Believing someone surely can't be a crime. I knew this, but still it annoyed me how we were fooled by her. She trampled her way in front of us, and we could not even stop her. Diana's cry and her screeches were still reverting in my ears.

Just how much of a selfish person can she be? The answer still amazes me. I even suggested to confront her after we came back and spilled everything to Ruby.

"We should confront her! She surely won't lie in our faces, will she?" My voice had a sharp edge to it, which I knew my father would not have appreciated if he was here. "We won't. And before any of you ask why, let me answer" Aiden said in very surprisingly calm voice.

"We can prove that Agent Frost has killed so many people, that she is the one behind all those mass murders 10 years ago. But what we cannot prove is that Avery Silas is Agent Frost. Her background will be denied as a case of quick paper filling and our statements will be declared Malafied without any evidence to back it up. So for now, just try to take your mind of it and be careful of her in university."

As much as I hate to admit it, what Aiden said was correct. We don't even have to prove anything, the media and the police knows it's Frost who has caused so much disturbance. We just need to give a face to that name. Unfortunately for us, though knowing who is that person we can't do anything for now.

"Golden gun...? What is this Golden gun?" The list of paper containing tomorrow's headline news, didn't seem interesting enough to bore my mind into as Ruby's voice cut through the thick silence. "Out of all the things, that's the only thing interesting enough to you?" I asked with my face directing towards her.

" I am also shocked, Jason. I am shocked beyond my words and your imagination. But that doesn't stops me from replaying that scene over and over. You all said she came without her mask. Now imagine, if one you all took pictures and recorded that incident. Wouldn't that be too much of risk for her? It would provide us a weakness leading to her.

She wouldn't take such a fatal risk just to kill. Killing is not a big problem for her, if she can kill a new born. What matters is the actual reason of her presence."

I sigh and toss the papers in the middle of the table. My white button down shirt was already up my elbows as I sit straight. "It was a bloody hook, Ruby. I understood your point and I still think it was a hook. If not, then she would have atleast mentioned it twice?"

I said in a begging tone. I was sick of this so-called reality and wanted a escape out of it. "For once, I agree with you Jason. Ruby I think it's really not good for you to think about it so hard. You just completed you year end examinations, take rest."

Dominic said as he made his way out of the room. Even though, I was glad he took my side I knew it would make Ruby upset and she would end up thinking about it more. So I instantly knew what my next duty would be.

"Let's go, you already had your dinner right? It's time you take a rest" I said as I rest my hands on her shoulders almost replicating the position small children walk in. "If we go by that, you should take a rest too. You also had examinations right?"

She said as I forced her out of the conference room and up the stairs. "I will but, elders first!" I heard her laugh as I made her sit on her bed. She didn't say anything further. Probably beacuse there are very rare scenarios where I admit I am younger then her.


Welcome to my abode. Agent Frost welcomes you all. Ready to witness your death?

It was the same voice, no doubt. Maybe a bit more pitched and immature but definitely the same. Not to mention the same threat. This recording was surely made by her only.

My sight flashed to the photos that were spread on the table. The photos which were potraying a very terrible crime. Something that I never wanted to see. But it was important for me if I wanted to find Frost.

Frost. Avery. The two words seemed so different at first. But now, it seems like they can morph into each other without anyone's knowledge.

A pinged noise probably belonging to the electronic field rang throughout my office. I looked at my phone and saw Ruby's text.

Open the door, it's freezing in the basement!

My head snapped towards the lower section of my desk. I sighed. I told her not to use this way unless any emergency arises.

I rotated the top surface of my desk 360° and pulled out the secret hutch attached to it. It took quite a large portion of my strenght to open it. As soon as I detached it, the desk ever so slightly vibrated and came up almost to the point, where it's legs were touching my hips.

"Why couldn't you use the front door? What was the need of it?" I asked her I assembled my desk again. "Jason made me sleep and I really needed to talk to you. And Dominic? I don't know that man is giving me cold shoulders these days, that's why I am here."

She explained. I felt bad for her. Somehow it is my fault that she is facing this.  "Okay, what is so important that you had to disobey our one and only Chinese monk's order?" I asked with a little humor. "I wanted to ask about that Golden gun. Brother, I can only hope that atleast you have had some suspicion about it. Haven't you?"

So Ruby had also caught onto the same thing. I had an argument just a few days ago with Dominic on this same topic. I knew he was mad especially beacuse of the proposal that I made and somewhere that anger was dumped on Ruby. Because she also thought the same thing. My prolonged silence gave her hope and I couldn't help but pass a little smile towards her.

"Ruby, you are never wrong about me. You know that. This matter isn't an exception. But there are Somethings that I haven't told you yet. If you want to know those things and if you agree with me in my decision, you'll have to keep this a secret between us.

Neither Jason nor Dominic should hear anything about it. Not even a whisper."
I knew I may have asked a lot of her and maybe scared her a little bit. But I couldn't see anything on her face though.

"Brother, are there any ghosts who know about this secret passage? No right? So this matter shall also be like that only. You need not worry."

So, here it goes...

Bloody War (NOW PUBLISHED IN PAPERBACK)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя