SAVIOR! (sorry! for the pic)

34 5 1

Avery Silas (Rosewood)

As I made an effort to move onto my right side, I groaned. My head was throbbing as if it was jammed between 2 concrete walls. My body felt restricted. Like someone has made arrangements so that I cannot move it.

My eyelids were heavy like a brick. They were just not yet ready to give me the permission that I need to open them. I hissed as my bare cheek came in contact with the cold metal surface, on which I was lying. Wait..? Bare cheek?

I opened my eyes in a shot. They started to hurt but I ignored it. My face was bare. I could see my surroundings now. Though blurry, I can make out that it was a truck used to carry goods from one city to another.

I was wondering why the floor was moving. For the sake of my bike, I was kidnapped. And to top that, my mask was not on my face now. It was in the corner of this blooming container.

Bloody hell!
As if it was not enough, my whole body was very numb. My reflexes have become dangerously slow. If I try to move my finger now, it will move after atleast 15 seconds. That too just a little bit.

How in the hell did I ended up like this?

The answer came through a smell. A rather peculiar one I must say. The faint smell of corn starch and sodium benzoate gave it away. Xanax.

I then remembered my encounter with Mitchell and the information she gave me about Diana. How we separated paths as I started my way back to my house. I crossed the Saint Mary street-

I squinted my eyes as something snapped inside my mind. Like a coin that just flipped.

Saint Mary Street. Yes! That should be the place where I was; before I felt something shot through my left hand. So that's the reason my left hand is almost acting as a paralyzed part of my body

Ironic how the street of the Saint Mary is not so Saint-ly after all.

I huffed as I tried to untie the knot of rope that has been blessesd upon my hands. Finally! I thought to myself as I was able to free myself from this unholy rope.

I tried to spot things that are around me. Sort of evaluating my surroundings. They was still some of the boxes of goods. That means this truck is stolen. And it was stolen around the time when it was being vacated for other lot of goods.

That's a work of hurry and immaturity. Meaning these people who have kidnapped me are most likely amateur at what they're doing.

They were not here for me, were they? My logical side said to me as the truck came to an abrupt stop. You godforsaken people! Atleast drive properly!! My back hit side of the truck. The metal making my meat ring like a bell.

After some shuffling I heard footsteps. They were coming nearer to the backside of the truck. Supposedly where I am right now.

"Monsieur will be happy, seeing this trout!" They bubbled amongst themselves as I rot here, thinking how to get my left hand to work.Trout?!! How dare you call me that?. I hissed at their callousness of identifying me as a Trout and began to plan an attack. I may be weak but I am not so easy to capture.

The rusted metal door creaked signaling someone was opening it as their laughter increased. Just open the door, you sloths and see how I make you laugh. I sneered in my mind as I saw my exit doors being open.

I used an iron rod that was behind one of the boxes with the element of surprise. It bumped on the head of one of the....boys? Whatever. And shot the other one with help of the rifle that was inside the first boy's jacket.

That was fun. I thought as jumped from this metallic hell. I looked around. A street whose name I don't know, no street light means illegal factories and storage houses, that contain unauthorized armory and drugs reside here. Many lined container with smuggled goods,I bet.

Anyone with sane mind would run backwards from here but I need to take a look around. My mask was not on my face anymore ,when I woke up (although it is now). And there is no guarantee that they haven't taken pictures. I have to finish them. If you know what I mean,chuggers.

This was a busy racket circle so definitely these morons were going to an abandoned place. My body was still not in its original form but certainly better after moving a little.


Ruby Coleman.

I opened my eyes with a jerk, shuddering under the cold water that was being poured upon my head. My lips oozing blood as I bit on them hard as to not crumble under the ice cold shower. Xanax was definitely a very good way to torture someone. I shall mention it to Dom. I.e, if I get out of here today. Alive. My head turned to the direction from where, I suppose, is this bitter laughter coming from. There were total 25-30 men in this room. All of which were looking at me.

"This salmon is ready to pop" They laughed as I struggled to realize that the salmon they were talking about was me.
My body was slowly retaining it's actual strenght. I could now move my fingers without delayed reaction. Thank God! I heard some hushed whispers going around, as my attention was snatched from me.

Apparently, another party of men who were also supposed to catch me, have housed another girl instead of me. They didn't knew how I looked. Huh! Berks!

"They said she looked good"....."What are they doing?"....."where is the picture of that girl?"......"I don't know who she is"....."They're arguing that she would make a much better bargainer than her"...

That one word made it all clear. I need not ask anyone about why am I here? Or for what? Beacuse that single monstrosity gave me every answer I ever needed to be here; at this moment.

But that also means that whatever other girl they're supposedly bringing, may or may not have an idea about what she is going into. No, I can't let that happen. This the mess of my world; I would not let any innocent girl's life to get ruined in it. I'll be her savior if I need to be, even if I can't be mine.
Innocent girl. Oh lord! Save these men from that innocent girl.
And hopefully, save me too!

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