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Living in the posh region of Scotland, The Glimsons had a mansion sitting on 15 acres of land with total property floor area exceeding that of 70,000 square feet. Right now,the above mentioned mansion remains have been taken for further investigation but onsight, it can be said that it's perfectly ruined.
However, such explosions have been a little too common in the past months with those remains perfectly aligning with the effects of MN-7. Many individuals think, that it is indeed Frost's work. Let us know what do you think,Mr.Kennett?--

It's currently 6:30 in the evening and and I have broken my coffee table with the help of one of my weights. Due to rage if you must ask. I scoffed mentally at the blank, silly Television screen in front of me as the reporter in it kept interviewing this whosoever Mr.Kennett.

When I left literal notes with my signature on it then everyone speculated it as work of some serial killer. Now, that I don't even have my shadow in this case, everyone is blaming it on me? Wonderful!

As if the morning chat with Aiden Coleman was not enough to ruin my day. Come to think of it, wasn't he a little too confident? Has he already found something about that gun? Or maybe it's just a facade to lure me into helping them?

Goodness! Why didn't that gun break and burn in that bloody fire? Why did it have to exist for me as a throbbing throat cut? I wore rubber gloves and started to pick the pieces of the broken glass.

We may be able to help you find that damned golden gun.

Was is true? That gun should not go into wrong hands or I'll be ruined forever. For Goodness sake! This is problematic.
I collected all the pieces of glass and threw them into the dustbin along with my rubber gloves. I washed my hands went towards my chair in the drawing room with my dinner in my hands.
I.e, a plate of mashed potatoes and bangers.

The news Channel still portrayed the same news and was creating various theories based on the interviews of renowned persons. Furthermore to get a better insight on the matter, we have discussed it with the country's leading crime magazine, SWAN-SEE and discovered that there could be more-

I switched the T.V off and went to the kitchen to wash my plate. It was too overwhelming at this time to think about all of this. I am better off being on my own. I am sure I'll be able to find that gun sooner or later without anyone's help. There is no need for me to help them find someone who I don't even care about.

I checked the doors and windows and switched off all the lights in the house and went to bed. It's not healthy to stay up late I thought as I looked at the clock which read 07:45 pm.

If you want to find that gun, you'll surely need this.

My hands stopped midway as my blanket was still below my knees. He left an envelope? Yes, he did. Should I check it? Ugh! I came out of my bed and opened my door to find that envelope. Where did he left-oh there it is!

I fetched the maple colored paper and opened it to see a report. Not one, two. What is this? I sat on my sofa read it. Ministry of South-California's eastern export service.

My mind clicked at that sentences. Eastern Export service building? Tha-that's one of the main source of income of SC Cartel. Did they dig through my past or what? How come SC Cartel is involved in it? I read the whole report and my mind blowed. Is this what he was talking about?

 Is this what he was talking about?

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The report is of 13th May, 2017. That means 1 years ago? If the gun was seen in SC Cartel there are high chances that its still present there. There was a number and an address written behind the report. I need to find this gun. By hook or by crook.


"I hoped to see you soon enough." I heard Mr. Coleman's voice behind me as I turned around. Turns out the address that was mentioned there was the address to a remote place which was full of beautiful sand dunes and a heard of wildlife; Oxwich Bay.

"A document declared as Confidential often doesn't stays that way but the one you gave me, should have." I raised an eyebrow in hopes he would get my hint. "Let just say that you were a very interesting topic for my family. Just the difference is that, they were interested in finding what you were upto in your present while I wanted to know about what you were doing in your past."

"Anyone who would know about this gun would surely take advantage of it." I asked another question. If he just wanted to find a man, he can very well do that on his own with a little difficulty. "You will have to help us in finding that clone of yours. That is the way you can upheld your side. And as for me, I want something else."

"What exactly that is?"

"I have some questions regarding the SC Cartel from the time you were in touch with them. Regardless of this negotiation, after receiving the gun it's upto you if you want to answer my questions or not. Officially, it's just about you finding that man."

If he truly wants some answers from me, then why is he not ensuring it officially? Why is letting me dribble with his chances? Is it a mouth to something else?

"A businessman like you surely would not enter such a deal where the profit doesn't seems to go his way. Unofficially you can demand many more things like that." I stated. He winced at my second-hand compliment and sighed.

"Because those answers are much more valuable and important to me then you would care to know." He answered at last with an expression I couldn't decipher. Even though I wanted so badly to.


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