A Puppeteer

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The swizzle of something cold being kept on a hot iron plate, gives just the right amount of satisfaction. As vapors form around it as if it's a magical object, it calms my racing heart. Oh! The great suffocation that poor thing must be feeling. The struggle between being there in the embrace of warmth and the urge of getting the hell out of that passage. And the toxic mentality of the person who is enjoying this terrible suffering, makes the perfect late night movie.

But what you know..
May not always be what is true...!

It could be a nightmare or a terrible vomit. A sickening feeling or just a thought of someone that is keeping this person awake. Awake to the dirty reality, to the frightening faces of monsters, to the strange answers of those known questions, awake to the fight between mind and heart. The only fight whose origin has not been mentioned and whose end is something that we will never be able to see.

The war will exist until even just one living being rests on the earth. Hurting and torturing us, making us addicted to the mad flow of it and probably keeping us sane enough to breathe. Slowly the life of the people, their relationships, the care braided into those little promises of their's and the love they share, will succumb to this huge monster as collateral. Just like how the darkness of the sky, has succumbed to the twinkling of those millions of stars.

And we will be left in nothingness...
In hope and delight that our suffering has come to an end...!

But that one missing peice that we never seem to find, that one hole will be never filled. It will be left empty and starving such that, it will create a new vacuum for us to live in. Not a new dimension, no, everything will be same. The place, the people, their lives. But the roles will be reversed. The person who was loved will be hated now and the person who was immensely hated before, will be loved.

And the master of all this, the person who has thought of everything from the very start to the very end, 'the puppeteer' will be in great distress. He will realize how much of a wastage this flimsy thing called humanity is, when his most beloved of children will be the one to suffer the most.

And you and I will see it together. The end , the beginning and the suffering. All of it. With a pit of excitement in the bottom of our hearts, we will see it together. The crackle of fire as it turns that 'something' in to black ashes will be music to our ears. And don't worry my dear, when the moon will shine above the heads of our enemies with it's great allure, we'll rise together. In the shadow, our presence will be counted. And the moment they take a breath of relief, the sigh of peaceful smiles will leave their faces. As a hand will come out of the shadow and it will choke them, making blood squirt out of their mouth.

And we will see it together...
With wicked smiles on our faces...
We will see it together...!



Heavy breathing.

That's all I could hear while running on the rocky ground. From where, I don't know but it looked like a big bungalow or something sort of like that. To where, I don't care. I am just running away from this place. To anywhere which is safe for me. Anywhere where I am understood, where no one will ask me questions, where no one will accuse me of various misdeeds that I myself don't know of.

From whom, him. He is dead then also I am running away from him, his body, his voice, his memories. I hate that he still controls me. That he still knows how to make me tuck my tail between my legs and run. That he can still use me as he wishes. That I still look up to him. I don't want any of it. I don't want to accept him as my reality. No he can't be real.

To whom, him. He who gives me choices that seem too unreal for someone like me, at first glance. He whose presence intoxicates me to certain level, where I could not fathom whether I am the hunter or he is. He whose eyes seem to never notice me, yet I feel like he can see me every moment of the day. He whose name is Aiden.

My upper eyelids clap back to my face as I try to wake up from that horrible dream. The Grey colored ceiling of my room seems spooky to me for the first time. I sit up and cough vigorously beacuse my throat feels like it was being choked. A burning sensation rises up to my stomach as I search for water on my right, bedside table and find an empty glass.

I need water. With this need in my mind, I climb down from my bed just as my eyes spot the open window of my room. Did I leave it open? I try to remember my actions along with fighting back the bright light, that the moon shone on my face. My suspicions get the best out of me as I sweep my eyes all around the road before closing and locking the windows. For good.

I took my gun out of the back drawer of my cupboard and went down the stairs, to fetch water for myself. In times like this, I feel tempted to have someone for myself just so I am not left alone. Even a dead body would do. Just something other than me, in this flat. The sound of water pouring in the glass vibrates throughout the place, making my heart skip more beats than it should, due to excitement.

I leave the kitchen and sit on the sofa as I keep my gun beside me. But my hand is still hovering over it. The clock chimes 3 as I put my head on the back rest of the sofa. My heart was still racing and my mind was busy reviving unwanted conversations.

"Why didn't we do it today?"

"Because I want you to follow a pattern. In the next 4 days, there is a full moon. And on the morning of it, we'll hear the news of success."

"But why? What does killing on a full moon changes?"

"It creates a pattern, it portrays you as a passionate person. An artist. One who cares about the delicacy of it's work. Nonetheless, the bright light of the moon will compliment our, no, your bright smile really well."

"Your right. You always are."

No you're not. My internal voice speaks up as I refrain my mind from remembering that depressing conversation. It's been more than 2 years for Goodness sake! Months since I had these kind of dreams and weeks since I thought about him!


Why did I have to see him again? After all this time, why again?!! Not to mention, I saw Aiden as well. What was I thinking?! Aiden? Did I thought him as my comfort place? A cave where I am safe? What is happening to my mind? Am I going mad? Am I hallucinating?

I sigh and take my gun in my hands and stare at it. He is not here, I know. He can not be. That is impossible. I know everything, because it happened in front of my eyes. Then why does his presence feels so real? Like he is alive, that he is just waiting for me to fall into his trap? That feeling of getting choked I felt..why did it felt like he is really choking me?

I look up from the gun in my hands, to the door of my home. And why pray tell, everytime I see him, whenever I am running from that place, those ghosts, I see you. Why do I see you Aiden? It has never happened before. It was simply just me gasping for air until I wake up. Then why now, do I see myself surviving that run by only imagining you as my destiny?

How and when have you come so close to me?


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