Secret Spy

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"I think I know what went down the Glimson's gutter."

Avery's voice made me snap back to reality as I looked thrice towards the research screen just to make sure I was not seeing something else. There was a profile opened on the large screen belonging to a 7 star rated prostitute and a spy; Eve. And the worst thing was it also had a picture attached to it. And there was a photo of Mali on it. Mali, Trevor's wife. Whom I have come to know as Jason's friend since 5 minutes ago.

"That-that cannot be true. Are you sure someone didn't just hack her personal phone and uploaded the pic here?" This time Jason was the one not believing something instead of Ruby. "No. This is her or I should say Eve Moore. I thought Mali's pics looked familiar that's why I wanted to do a backup check. The site which you're seeing is called Pitcher Penguin. It's an illegal site consisting of other various service providing spies like Eve."

"There is a site for these types of things?" Ruby asked as she also very clearly showed how astonished she was. "There definitely is. Anyways, assuming that you're hinting that someone hired Mali to spy on the Glimson's, who could that be? And what relation do they have to the death of their own worker?"

Avery hunched down towards the PC once again, as she opened a new tab showing some other information regarding Mali. "When did Trevor married Mali?" She asked once she came back into her earlier position. "We don't know the exact date but it was somewhere between february-march of 2015." I answered her as I noticed how she sort of smirked to her own self.

"Splendid. Well, when any of the spies' are busy or occupied here at the top right corner, they update their status to unavailable. Now, she has been occupied since late 2014. Considering the timing, it can be said that she was in fact hired by someone. The fact that she married Trevor Zoe Glimson marks a huge achievement in her journey. So whoever decided to finish her must have a good enough reason."

Avery's reason was very good so obviously it also raised some pretty good questions. "Why would someone want to kill their own asset? Eve, as mentioned here must be pretty valuable spy. So, what can be the reason?" Ruby's query was very much served with some answers. Even though I can tell that Avery was still not used to explain why or for what she thought something, I think she was succumbing very well to it.

"Anything that can act as a hurdle in her work. Like if she decided to provide fake information to her employer or if she in reality started to appreciate Trevor." Did I mention that I slowly but gradually started to believe it was Avery who did all this? How can she just know everything? From the site to the planning techniques, anything. As if she was also part of all this.

"As far as the matter of being compassionate with Trevor goes, I don't think it would be problem. Yeah, she might give wrong information but they can also manipulate her and Trevor singlehandedly. They are bound to know more information if she gets involved with Trevor."

" That is, when she is involved with Trevor. What if it's someone else who is making her cocoon warm? For example, Victor. Trevor's brother?" She said evoking another suspicions inside all of us.

"Are you suggesting an affair here?" Aiden might be confident enough to already figure out something which Avery herself has doubts in. But I am not. And I don't intend to be, specially with Frost. "The doubt might be a little wavering as you can see, that Trevor was in the states for the last 5 years. He had just returned an year ago." Ruby answered handing Avery a paper of the travel history to Victor.

"Ruby is right. He just returned an year ago. Do you still think an year is enough for something like this to take place?" Jason asked as he himself made sure to double check the travel history. "Enough for what? Sleeping with someone, cheating? Ofcourse it is. Let just pre-assume that Someone hired Eve to spy on Glimson's. Then for 2 years, Eve showed commendable performance such that there were quite a few major losses in the business of Glimsons.

When 3rd year rolled, she started deteriorating in her work. This affair of hers just made it impossible for her to stay loyal. So her employer decided to do some damage. Since here on the site, it's already given that she doesn't accepts perfumes, soaps, scented candles that means her employer knew about her situation."...

"So he made sure to stage a bulk of perfumes and scented candles in her room and the mansion. Trevor's liking to the substances made it easier. Just that the bottles didn't actually contained perfumes and candles instead they were just covered by the similar scent to chase out Mali and Victor to the back garden."

They seem like a murder planning duo. Anyways, as soon as Aiden cut Avery off by completing her assumptions, Jason added his conclusion.

"So the bottles must contain something vivaciously reactive. Any chemical which can act as a catalyst for fire. That just concludes that 343-Ch11 is an explosion which uses chemical catalysts to tick off. No wonder there is no source of energy present to light it unlike MN-7."

"Exactly. Have the Forensics said anything about it?" Avery asked again as Ruby answered her. "No. The police and media tried a lot before and couldn't solve these cases. So now, they're taking their sweet time to test the samples. But as soon as it's done, you will get the update. Oh!"

Ruby went outside the room with an exclamation and again came inside with some papers in her hand. "These are some of the sketches that we designed on the basis of your description of the gun. Can you select which one is the closest?" She handed the papers to Avery.

"But why would anyone highlight this? Whoever did this took a very little yet risky chance. They knew majority won't be able to figure it out but still, there would be someone who can. Just why attract attention?" Aiden asked as he stood up from his seat and walked near to the screen. "It can be a message to you or any other client of yours or just an hobby. But one thing is for sure that the person did had a personal motive behind this. That's what distinguishes me from him. I didn't had anyone specific but he did. Nor why would anyone go to this extent? If not for a personal satisfaction? This one is the closest."

The design that she chose was pretty simple. Something that atleast I am not sure can have the power to lure Agent Frost. "And I know the gun seems to have a golden colour but it's not true. It's not just a colour. Infact the gun is made from 24 carat gold itself. Everything inside it, even the bullets. And it's always loaded."

"That will sure be helpful. Thanks for your insight today." Aiden said as Avery made a move to go outside the room. She nodded looking at Aiden for a moment and then said,

" I shall take my leave now." She looked a little more at him went outside.

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