Chapter 37

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Shachi and Penguin left the park with such a lame excuse and I processed the things they said to me. They were both giving me good advices but at the same it doesn't even relate much about love too. I sighed as I placed both of my hands on the pocket of my coat to avoid letting my hand to be so cold.

"Just because you liked the friend-version of someone doesn’t mean you’ll like the relationship-version of them. We never know the outcome since you still haven't thoroughly know him yet"

I felt as if they meant me from their description since I am so different whenever I hang out with Luffy and I really feel

relaxed and comfortable

but I guess maybe Luffy will not be comfortable about it.

I tried to shrug it off because I keep on  overthinking and as much as I want to think more about Luffy, I feel like it is impossible for us to stay together. Kid is the total opposite of me and he can easily hang out with Luffy. I am quite awkward when I hang out with Luffy since I tend to act different.

I wanted to go home so I went back my tracks but the scent of barbecue made me remember that I was already hungry.


The sky looked so beautiful but even though I ate, I am quite hungry.

Kid was spouting weird stuffs at me and I know that he's being a good friend to me. Both him and Law are great pals and honestly I do hope that we'll stick together.

"Oi Jaggy, what do you think will happen if I was the one who'll disappear?" 

He was confused and was about to answer when I burst out laughing.

"Hey there's no need to be serious I was just joking hehe."

I stared at the great view and smiled as I smelled the great smell of different foods. Man, I was getting hungry for sure.

"Hey let's head back now shall we?" Kid said as he tapped my shoulder.

I nodded and we were already heading back and planned what to do next .


As I finally found a great opportunity to grasp, I immediately approached the red headed kid while the other one was busy eating.


The red head turned his head around and face me while I grabbed a seat right next to him. I slipped out a picture of his aunt and the Cafe that he was working and raised a finger as i placed it on my lips (it's a signal for Kid to stay quiet and he definitely knows why Corazon showed the pictures)

"Um hey Luffy, I'm really sorry but I have some important business to deal with right now. If it's okay for you, I'll call some taxi so you can go home "

"No no it's fine I can go home by myself. Mind if I bring home the rest of the foods?"

I nodded and so he proceeds to bring everything that was on the table served. He waved goodbye and the man with the blonde hair finally placed the pictures on the table. I was about to punch him on the face but he was able dodge it right away. I was now really pissed as to why these fucking people likes to threat my aunt and her precious achievement. 

"I'm not here to cause any harm to you or anyone else. I want to help"

"How can I fucking trust you if you try to bring up my aunt and I don't even know a single shit about anything "

"Do you want to help out or not?"

The red head suddenly went silent but the anger in his eyes was still there like a fire that will never be extinguished.

"I know it's a complicated situation and Law is involved with this as well.
You're named is Kid based on my recent investigations and you-"

"Cut the crap. What's with this bullshit with Law? What's with him?"

"Someone is planning to take over this city and perhaps the whole world and isn't some sick joke or bullshit alright. I have seen this man build this plan from scraps up to the top and Law is his final piece for this plan to commence. It will not only affect you but it affects everyone else including the people you cherish the most."

Kid still kept his mouth quiet and I know his processing everything that I just said.

"The three of you are in grave danger and believe me, I know that this man has the potential to grab Law directly but this man plays dirty. By now, he already knows a lot about Law and the people that he cherishes the most since they have intel inside his home and she is doing a great job"

"So you're saying that there is no other way to prevent this from happening already?"

"I'm afraid not. It took him several years to make this plan possible but there is a way to stop his plan but the chances are not sure."

"As long as it's not zero then I'm in"

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