Chapter 20

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I dreamed that I was spending a lot of time with Luffy and he was very happy to be with me. I was quite glad that I dreamed about him and I couldn't quite remember what happened last night since my head seems to be playing tricks with me. I woke up and seemingly, its not my room and it's not my bed either. I glanced beside me where I saw Luffy sleeping peacefully. We were both naked and it seems like something really happened last night which made me smile. I kissed Luffy on the forehead and as I was about to cuddle closer to him, I heard a car stop. I wasn't sure if it was his brother or some person but I don't want to get caught so I quickly grabbed my clothes and I wasn't able to properly dress myself. I was about to exit Luffys bedroom when the door knob suddenly started to open. I froze and thought that it was the end of my stupid life and I don't want that to happen be I have a bright future ahead of me. To my surprise, it was just Law and I literally widened my eyes due tk the fact that I was confused about what the hell is he doing in here.

"What the fuck, why are you here you jerk"

"Well I can ask the same thing to you dumbass"

I am certain that it was just me and Luffy when I brought him home and I'm sure that we didn't leave any signs to let Law follow us. I was about to argue with him when the front door opened and it made us both feel nervous so we quickly searched for an exit and in such coincidence, we found an open window which has a ladder towards their backyard. I didn't waste any minute of my time and quickly climbed down the ladder and unfortunately I slipped and fell on the ground but it doesn't matter since all I have in my mind is to get out of this place. I'm pretty much sure that I heard Law chuckle as he followed me from behind. We were able to distance ourselves from Luffys house and we took a short rest on the park.

"Alright spill the beans you piece of shit." I said as I sat on the bench and gave him a threatening look.

"Well I'm pretty much sure that something must've happened with the both of you and don't worry I won't tell anybody about it."

"Fucker, I asked about why the fuck you are doing in Luffys house. Don't change the subject cuz I'm pretty pissed about that"

"I slept on the living room cuz I was very drunk, I woke up early in the morning and tried to search for the restroom and I coincidentally discovered you on Luffys room."

I couldn't talk back because it was true and I must have left the door unlocked and Law thought that it was his house. I prevented eye contact and went silent. I really can't remember what exactly happened but I can remember Luffys erotic face and his moan.

"As I was saying, you better look out cuz I won't let you easily take Luffy from me" Law was serious and he walked away. Since the both of us are in love with Luffy, I need to prove myself that I am perfect for Luffy. But since I already made love to Luffy, it made me feel even more weird because I don't do that to the person whom I like for just a short span of time. Well we were drunk and we weren't able to think properly so all of the things happened last night. I wanted tl remember everything but I need to rest because my head is really aching.



I woke up due to the fact that Ace eas yelling for me to wake up already. My back really hurts my head is aching. I didn't remember what happened last night but it was sort of weird because I managed to return home and I was naked under the bedsheets. Well there are times when my room gets hot or I don't feel comfortable so I sleep without my clothes. I quickly took a bath because my body is hot and I needed to cool my head. I went downstairs and saw Marco kissing Aces neck and so I threw a cushion on Marcos head, softly.

"Go get a room you lovebirds" I teased as I grabbed some foods on the fridge.

"Oh don't worry we will". Marco replied with a grin. Ace laughed and punched Marcos hand softly.

"Anyways Luffy, how was the party last night?"

"It was great Ace. I managed to hang out with my friends and do fun stuffs."

"Well at least you didn't come home with some hot babes and smashin them." Marco told me while he was wrapping his hands around Ace.

"My back hurts a lot though. Maybe I fell off thr bed or maybe at the party."

Ace didn't listen since he was busy with Marco. I grabbed my phone and surprisingly, Law greeted me a good morning which made me smile. Another text was received and it was from Kid who was greeting me a good morning text. So strange but its nice to have some friends who sincerely cares for me.


Well drama happened in. y family blah blah blah, I can't quite post chapters but I'll do my best to update quickly.

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