Chapter 34 * Survivng the fights*

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Chapter 34 Surviving the fights

“Hey guys whats happening?” I drop my lunch tray down on the desk with an audible bang, the girls just stare at me for a few seconds

“Hey Chloe, So have you heard, Proms been moved to this weekend because the schools been so badly organised it clashed with the leavers graduation ceremony” One of the cheerleaders said.

Awkward moment what I acctually forgot about prom and well, didn't even ask Blake if he was going or not.

“Are you going with Blake?” Another one asked, what it's not my fault that I can't remember half of their names, most of them are the preppy girls who only talk about their nails or hair.

“Well I don't really know, he hasn't asked me and I don't really want to ask him” I muttered

“You kidding” The same on gasped, What was the big deal about it anyways, it's just getting all dressed up and then a dance, well the last high school dance you'll ever go to but hey I would like to go I guess but..

“nope” I replied popping the P, please just leave the subject alone for now, please

“oh well Carson asked me out last night and I was just jumping up and down for ages but then I jumped so high my boobs wacked me in the face so I stopped” Then I just tunes out, Not only was she bragging about her new date alost about her big boobs.

I dont care about you boobs okay, go shove them down your top instead of up.

Whats gotten with me today I don't know, maybe it was half of the cheerleaders squeaky voices droning on and on and on.

I mean after a while you just get sick of it.

The day passed with flying colours, since all our tests were done and currrently being marked the teachers just let us sit around and chat with the people in your classes.

I guess thats the good thing about taking those pain in the damn ass tests, Yesterday was the last bundle of them and I swear at that moment I was infinite.

Okay I'm sorry for stealing that line off perks of being a wallflower but that was literally how I felt, I felt free!

Another thing I noticed that Blake wasn't at school the whole day, I mean not the be the clingy girlfriend or anything but where was he?

I mean yeah he skips school but not for the whole day just for the periods he hates and then even with his skipping he gets perfect grades, I don't know what he does but I think that it's a ix of just being smart and trying to find facts off google at 5 am before school starts.

Oh well if he wanted me to know where he was he would have told me last night anyway.

I kicked open the door with my foot and it didn't even budge, you know what the sad part is about this picture?

I had unlocked the door with me key and left it slighty agar so it would be easier, Wow Chloe you need to do some serious karate training.

Yeah right.

I walked into the house, kicked off my shoes and dropped my bag in a random corner like I usually do, The house felt slighty different, I don't know what it was but I have a feeling that I'm about to find out.

Then I hear a vase smash, what the hell?

“Um Max” I shout, I can hear my voice echo around

Nothing for a moment then screaming, not Max's voice, not any or my friend's voices not even Blake's voice. They were familiar though.

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