Chapter 10 *Surviving physical labor *

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Chapter 10 * Surviving physical torture *

Well explaining this to my parents is going to be fun, note my sarcasm. Turning on my heel I started walking down the like three mile long pathway that leaded to my house.

Making things worse at this time of day the sun was bright with barley any cloud coverage so if I didn't have cake batter all over me I would burn to a crisp half way to my house.

The walk home uneventful with the only thing I bumped into was a rock. Scratch that I was to busy thinking and somehow I rock got under my shoe and I face planted the floor. I think there’s going to be a bruise on my cheek tomorrow.

Our big house coming nearer and nearer with every step my heart kept skipping beats, sometimes my mum was cool and collected but if I ever got in trouble or done something wrong it was like playing with fire.

I slipped out my key from my paid school skirt and stuffed it into the lock slowly pulling the door open. I stood still and tried to hear any voices but all I heard was muffled laughter.

Dam someone was home. I took my coca and flower soaked shoes off and left them outside hoping that the wind would blow the coca off them. I let out a nervous chuckle and stepped in making slow moment trying not to make the white marble floors dirty.

I walked past the living room and there was Max and Macy getting a little well. Intimate. I slowly walked past but they had to notice me. Dammit times two

“Oh hey guys” I mutter giving Macy a smile and Max a look.

“Hey Chloe” Macy replied a blush forming on her pale cheeks, I think from catching her and my brother practically having sex with clothes on.


“What are you going home Chloe” His posture was straight and her usual chocolate eyes were getting dark verging on black. Yeah I' in deep shit now.

“Oh well I came for a shower” I shrugged my shoulders then felt something fury rubbing onto my legs giving out soft purrs

“Hey Carmel, what’s up my little wittle baby” I picked him up and nuzzled my face into his small body. What a little cutie.

“I realised that Chloe but why are you a walking muffin” Max's angry tone washed all the happiness away from seeing Carmel, dam mood killer.

“Because muffins are cool and I wanted to be one” is replied back sarcastically.

“Funny Chloe , now what's the real reason” I guess he didn't appreciate my sarcasm because he was getting really angry but I don't know why I mean we had always had a good relationship but lately he's being acting like he hates me

“I got into a baking war” I said my voice going softer with every word that left my mouth. The last word was a faint whisper.

“With who?” His eyebrows lifted and a puzzled look crossed his tanned face “You never get in trouble Chloe , who was it”

“Blake” I mumbled and started fiddling with my fingers.

'Stay away from that kid, he's trouble okay Chloe, Blake's got a bad past and I don't want you involved with that guy” his voice was serious, his expression was hard and emotionless

What was up with him , first he was angry now he thinks he can tell me who I can and can't see.“What's been up with you Max, you've been a bitch to me for a couple of weeks now and I don't even know why”

Then I turned on my heel and stomped off to the bathroom to get this bloody cake mix off me. I could feel it drying out on my skin and actually going all hard and its making me feel like on old crumbly cookie. Yuck

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