Chapter 16 *Surviving the pressure*

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** Im mixing it up a little bit , now can we try this for the next  chapter to be up ASAP (ive already wrote it) you have to get this chapter to 10 votes? Easy right just click the vote button lovies**

Chapter 16 * Surviving the pressure **

“Hey Chloe, Long time no speak” Zach approached me, a warm smile sitting on his face with his arm threaded through Marissa's.

How cute were they? All I could do was gush..

Why can't I have a relationship like that you know, looking at each other all lovey dovey and all that cuddling.

I'm going to die alone with ten cats, well maybe not ten how about twenty but that would be hard when I take them for walks. Or I could hire someone to do that for me.

I should just really stop thinking about that, it just makes me shudder I mean what it that really happens? I don't want it to.

“Earth to Chloe” fingers started snapping in front of my face, Quickly swatting them away because its pretty damn annoying when people do that.

“Right, Hows the relationship going” Asking just to be polite but even a blind man could see that they were smitten.

“Great, How about your love life?” Marissa asked, then gave Zach a sly smile.

Great now they have that cute eye talking thing going on, bloody hell I want a relationship.. Maybe I can teach Carmel to do that?

Yeah that's a good idea, or maybe not sitting on the couch and when someone’s talking to me randomly staring at my cat with a weird look In my eyes.. no

“What love life?” I finally replied, snapping out of my depressing little flashback.. or shall I say flash-forward

flash-forward, that's a good one! I'm going to use that later on sometime in life, Well hopefully I can...

Just whatever, I don't think today is really my day.

Well when are school days ever my day, well maybe when its those days that go so fast and before you know it your walking home.

I like, no love those days

“Don't worry, in about 2 weeks you'll be in a lovey dovey relationship” Zach said then they done that eye talking thing again

“Yeah with Carmel” I mutter

“Who's Carmel” Zach enquired, raising one of his dark eyebrows at me.

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