Chapter 22 *Surviving being a prune *

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Chapter 22 * Surviving being a prune*

“So you two made out under the stars?” Maya asked


“Did you have sex?”


“Did you die”

“Yes, yes I did Maya” Will she stop asking me questions, Why didn't I go with Amanda for a morning jog?

Well I hate moving but other than that It would be better than sitting here and listening to Maya give me a whole Q&A.

“Are you pregnant?”

“Is he a good kisser”

After a while I just decided to close my eyes and try to sleep over her annoying questions...

Honestly it's easier said than done really.. Her voice is so annoying at times like one of those flies that keep buzzing in your face and when you try to swat it away it just stays to annoy you more.

“Did you get aids?”

“You better have used protection Chloe because if you didn't then you might have a baby, well if you do can I be the godmoth--” I cut her off

“SHUT UP MAYA” I screamed, ditching one of my pillows at her.

She swiftly dodged it and it landed limp on the floor with a thud, damn her and her stupid cat like reflexes.

Maybe she's part cat?

I want to be part cat, that would be so cool being able to just lay in the sun, drink milk and get scratched behind me ears whenever I want.

Man that would be the life.. So shall I say Meow that would be the life! Oh god I'm so damn hilarious it's not funny!

“Calm down I just want my questions answered” She admitted

“Well maybe ask some appropriate ones, like do you really think I died?” This girl really lke to exaggerate things

“Okay well sorrrrrry, now Did you two get it on” she asked wagging her eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

I haven't even told her about the kiss or anything and she just wakes me up at 9am with all these random questions

“No, you're an idiot you know that Maya?” I asked, I ran a hand through my hair well it didn't feel like hair more like hay..

“Well what happened then last night huh?” she questioned, I think I'll milk this for a little bit before I tell her.

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