Chapter 20 *Surviving Nature*

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Chapter 20 * Surviving Nature *

Okay what else should I pack.. I've got a few shirts, some shorts, a dress and then all the essentials.

“MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX” I shout, he appears at my doorway within a minute with a green towel wrapped around his body

“What, what's wrong Chloe” he sounds concerned. I just let out a laugh and point to my almost full purple suitcase that's laying on my bed.

“You called me all the way here for fashion advice?” he exclaimed, shooting me an annoyed look

“Well duh, you went to harvest Lakes a few years back so you can tell me what I need to bring” I replied.

“Bring some Bathers because there are some natural hot springs and hiking boots, other than that I think you good” he scanned over my clothing and cringed when he saw the pile of bras laying on the side of my bed.

Boys... its a bra not a monkey wearing a tutu seductively eating a banana

“Ta” I thanked him, I hate packing because I always forget something..

“Well if you'll excuse me i'm going to go put some clothes on and eat something because I'm starving. Also I'm going over Macy's soon so you'll be alone for a while Kiddo”

“Max, I have to be at the school in 2 hours and you haver you drive me there remember, I am not walking to school with a huge suitcase in my hand. Someone might think I'm a hobo who sleeps in it” I exclaimed

“why didn't you tell me this?” he muttered

'I told you yesterday and the day before okay, so leave me to pack” I shooed him out of my room then closed the door behind him.

Cant he realise that I'll be gone for 3 days so he can have all the sexy time in the world with Macy while I'm gone.

Okay bathers I need to go fine some bathers, walking or shall I say tripping along the clumps of clothing on my floor to reach my closet. I really need to clean my room up before I go.

Yeah right I'm not going to clean my room up, way too much work. When I get a job i'll hire a maid to clean it.

That brings me to my second yeah right, I'm not getting a job, its takes up way too much time and second all bosses are mean and old and smell like fish...

Okay lets rummage through these draws and find my bikini's.. Nope not that draw..

This draw holds socks.... hey I have a sock draw! No wonder I can never find any

This is going to be a long long long day


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