Chapter 24 * Surviving the Hospital *

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Chapter 24 * Surviving the Hospital *

I swear this shit is worse than the hangover I had a few weeks ago. I don't even want to try and open my eyes because when I'm semi-awake my head is pounding harder than a drum.

Serious what is wrong with me? Did I die or something? Oh god nope I'm not dead because I'm in so much damn pain.

“she's moving” I hear faint murmurs from beside me or far away, I don't really know or care because this pain is really taking away my thinking space, not joking..

“Chloe, Please just open your eyes” I heard another voice whisper, then I felt my hand being squeezed.

Should I just keep my eyes closed and pretend I'm sleeping so whoever it is can just leave my house and let me sleep this pain off. Right now that sounds like a good idea

Then my stomach rumbles sending a jolt of hunger pains through me. I think my body is blackmailing me to wake up so I can eat.

Food heavenly food....

After a small internal battle about the pros and cons of waking up and possibly having to talk to someone food over took ever con.

See food is life okay....

I slowly open my eyes and unfamiliar white walls come into my vision, oh god where the hell am I?

What if some loon like kidnapped me and is not holding me in their torture chamber and then they're going to deprive me of food. No that can't happen food is everything.

When I say it's everything I seriously mean that because without food my life would be bland...

“She's awake” I hear someone mumble from somewhere

I adjust my vision to these weird white walls and blinding fluorescent lighting to realise I defiantly not in a torture chamber because aren’t they usually like all dark and in some sort of attic with mice crawling into corners and cobwebs lining the walls?

I started looking around and saw some weird painting that you probably buy in bulk packs of 200 and then sick everywhere saying you're a huge art collector. There's a strong scent of disinfectant floating around the room making it smell totally rank.

Then it clicks in; I'm in a hospital

Then faint memories of the night before start flooding back into my mind, the game and then me falling, oh god what If I'm in a hospital for deep people. Well that would be really awkward because these hunger pains feel so damn bad.

“Chloe, How are you feeling?” I dart my eyes around the room then notice a row of weird coloured chair placed against the really creepy white walls.

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