Chapter 14 *Surviving Mondays*

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Chapter 14 * Surviving Monday*




ugh I don't want to wake up

I open my eyes just a bit to see my phone and quickly hit the snooze button.

The annoying buzzing noise finally stops and I roll back over and colse my eyes trying to get back to the dream I was enjoying




I just turned this thing onto snooze, I swear it was only a minute ago, why are Mondays so torturous

Snatching my phone off the bedside table I look the time , 7.50

WAIT WHAT?!?!?!?!?

shit, shit, shit, shit

I set snooze at 6.30 and it was supposed to wake me up at 7.00 not freaking 7.50.

Jumping out of bed like a ninja I quickly run down the hall in my bra and sweatpants.. lets just say cold tiles under sock-less feet in the morning when you barley awake isn't the thing you want

Also walking around your house when its freezing cold in a bright yellow bra isn't the best idea.

Opening the bathroom door I run up to the mirror and realise how bad I look, I mean seriously..

My hair if on top on my head in a bun that looked great yesterday but today it looks like a freaking mess.

And don't get me started about my face, half of it is white and half of it is a pale pink, why does this happen to me the only day I sleep in

I mean the days when I'm awake an hour early or just randomly wake up at 5, I look greeat like it only takes me about 15- 15 minutes to get ready

But the one freaking day I decide to you know chill in bed for a little bit longer I look worse than the Grudge.

Okay where do I start, the hair defiantly the hair, leaning down I start looking through my bathroom draws for my pink hairbrush.

Oh hey that's where my razor went... Ive been looking foe this for ages

Focus Chloe focus

Okay I finally found it.. under a pile of tissues... clean tissues...

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