the end

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hey, everyone!

i just wanted to take the time and announce that i'll be ending this book.

i know this is pretty out of the blue, considering i haven't updated for a few weeks, but i haven't really had the time to write anything because i've been all over the place this summer lmao

in this time, i've realized that i've pushed back the idea of ending this book for a while. i really loved writing for it, but i just felt as if it was the right thing to do since i don't really carry the passion i once did while writing for it.

if i ever gain back the excitement of writing for this book, i won't hesitate to pick it back up.

but with that, DIONYSUS is officially (until further notice) finished!!! i hope you all enjoyed reading as much as i did writing.

it's been a really amazing few years writing for my favorite boys and sharing the imagines with you all!

take care of yourselves, make sure to eat and drink water, and for now, see you!


ps: for my fear street fans, stay tuned for a simon kalivoda book coming soon!

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