first day

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First days at new schools are never ideal.

Especially being an exchange student in a new country.

At least not to (Y/N).

They approached the new building, shakily gripping their book bag straps before stopping right in front of the doors.

You can do this, (Y/N), they thought. It's just school.

Letting out a sigh, the new student pushed open the front door to the building, keeping their eyes trained on the floor as they walked towards the office.

Glancing up so they wouldn't run into a wall, the teenager met eyes with an attractive boy about their age with dark hair and dark eyes to match. He had a baby face, which contradicted with his sharp features and the intense aura surrounding him.

(Y/N) gave him a small smile, earning a blank stare in return as the boy continued to walk past them. They furrowed their eyebrows, but continued towards the office.

Great, first day here and someone already hates me. (Y/N) sighed, shaking their head. Whatever, it was just one guy. I doubt the whole day'll be like that.

After a brief introduction to some staff members and quickly grabbing their schedule, they made their way to their first class.

(Y/N) wished they could say their first few classes went well, but that would be a lie. When it came time to introduce themselves, they awkwardly stood up, and almost fell while doing so. They didn't really understand the lesson considering they missed most of their school years moving, but were too anxious to say anything about it. They were twenty minutes late to their class before lunch because they couldn't find where the classroom was, and had gotten a warning.

But when lunch came, things started to look up for the new exchange student.

(Y/N) dejectedly made their way to the cafeteria, keeping their head trained on the ground, not too excited about how their first day was going so far.

After buying some lunch, they looked around the cafeteria, not being able to spot any empty tables for them to sit at. (Y/N) didn't really make any friends, considering they kept to themselves for most of the day, so that left the teen to either sit alone, or meet some new people.

Just as the teen was about to settle for eating lunch in the library, they noticed a lone, hooded figure sitting towards the far back of the lunch room that had their head down with headphones plugged into their ears.

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