Part 7

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As they lay in bed, she felt Bill snuggle up near her, placing his left hand near her head. He pressed his face in her neck, just like he'd done before. He started stroking her hair, and she pulled him closer.

This is why she loved him so much. He was so calm, gentle, and she could tell- he never would want to hurt her. It had only been a few minutes, but both of them fell asleep immediately in each other's grasp. 


That morning, they woke up when Eddie turned on the light, making everyone squint. "This is so not funny. Why are you guys still asleep? It's 8 in the morning. You guys know that if you oversleep you probably have diabetes?" 

Stanley kept rolling over, groaning and trying to stay away from the light while Richie tried to point the middle finger at Eddie, but kept getting it mixed up with his index, due to the fact he didn't have his glasses on. "Shut up Ed...Eddie," Stanley said with another groan. "Yeah, shut up, Eds!" Richie added. "

Bill and Y/N, on the other hand, were sprawled across the bed, a few limbs interwined. Y/N turned over, trying to open up her eyes and when she did, she saw how close she was to Bill. Maybe only a matter of 5 inches. Bill, fluttered open his eyes as he lay on his back, and slowly sat up. 

"Morningg," Bill said, speaking in a heavily deeper voice and carrying the G. She nodded her head quietly and watched Richie as he fumbled to find his glasses on the floor. 

Few minutes later, everyone was up and about. Y/N had to go early, considering she wanted to meet Beverly for a bit so she didn't feel left out. But before she was about to leave, they heard a knock on the door. Not a peaceful knock or anything, but constant knocking, as if they were in desperate need of something. They weren't expecting any visitors, the milkman wasn't supposed to come today, and Ms. and Mr. Denbrough had already left for work. They all ran to the window, hoping nothing sinister was waiting behind the door, but all of them breathed a sigh of relief when they saw it was just a boy.

They ran to the door and opened it, but when they did, Y/N gasped. The boy, a little plump, had dirt on his face, but worse was that his shirt was torn open and drenched with blood. "Holy fuck, what happened to you!?" Richie screamed out. 

"Bowers. Henry Bowers. He tried to cut his name in my stomach," the plump boy said, gasping. Eddie shoved them all to the side to take a good look. "Oh god. We might have to amputate it," he said, shaking his head. "I mean, we can amputate legs and arms do you amputate a waist? How do you amputate a waist!?

Y/N took charge. "Guys, cut the horse shit, let's get to the pharmacy!" and they all ran to grab their bikes while the plump kid sat behind Stanley. 

When they got to the pharmacy, Richie and Y/N waited outside, while Stan, Eddie, and Bill all ran inside to get supplies. Before Bill left however, Y/N grabbed his shoulder and handed him 4$ from her pocket. "If you need it." she said with a smile, and he went red. 

"Glad I got to meet you before you died," Richie said to the kid. "Wow, Richie. Good way of encouraging someone," Stanley said, rolling his eyes. 

Meanwhile, back at the pharmacy, Eddie was grabbing almost everything off the shelf. Rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, painkillers, and a bunch of other things that were way too long to bother saying. "Well, Y/N's 4, and me and Bill together have 2...that's all we got." Eddie turned around at them, hands full with supplies. "Are you fucking kidding me? That's all?" but Bill's eyes twinkled like whenever he has a good idea. "Wait, you have an account here don't you?" and Eddie stepped forward. "My Mom, if she finds out I bought all this stuff for myself, I'll spend the whole rest of the week in the Emergency Room getting X-Rayed." Bill sighed and was about to say they should just steal it when a girl popped up in the aisle. When they looked at her she hid something behind her back. Beverly Marsh. 

That's who she was. The girl who was always getting bullied by Greta and her gang. "You guys good?" she asked, and they snapped out've their trance. "There's a kid outside who looks like he's about to die-" "we just don't have enough money," Stanley said, finishing Eddie's sentence. 

"I'll handle it." she said, and Bill and the others thanked her gratefully. They stood there, waiting, as Beverly fake flirted with Mr. Keene, the old man who ran the pharmacy. At one point, she signalled to leave when his back was turned, and they ran out of the store immediately. 

"God, you took long enough," Y/N said as she rolled her eyes. A few seconds later, Beverly walked out of the store as well. "Oh hey Bev!" Y/N exclaimed, her mood instantly changing. "Well, get in there Dr. K, fix him up!" Richie exclaimed. 

"You sure they got the...right stuff, to fix you up?" Bev asked the plump kid with a wink. He started blushing hard, and tried his best to stop but he couldn't. "Yeah, I just fell-" and Richie cut him off. "Right into Henry Bowers!" and Y/N and Stanley both rolled their eyes. "What's your name, anyway?" Y/N asked nicely, trying to spare him from more embarrassment. "Ben. Ben Hanscom." he said. "Well, pleasure to meet you Ben," Bev said, and he went red again. 

"Anyway, I've got to go, my Dad want's me back home by 5. I'll see you guys tomorrow, if you want to meet up or anything," she said, and turned her feet to leave. 

"Bye!" Y/N and Bill both hollered out, and she gave them a wave. 


Minutes past, and soon, Eddie had finished up with Ben and was patting his hands clean with some alcholol. "It's getting dark," Y/N said. "I'll leave. I don't wanna run into Henry and his gang again." and Bill nodded. "I-I-I'll take you home. I mean, I'll f-f-follow you. Just so nothing h-happens." and she gave him a thumbs up as they got on their bikes. 

"Stan, Eds, and Richie, my best bro, I'll see you tomorrow, and pleasure to meet you Ben," she said, and rode off with Bill with a smile. "Don't call me Eds!" Eddie screamed out. "Sure wont!" she screamed out with a laugh as she turned the corner. 

When they reached Y/N's house, she came to a halt and so did Bill. "Thank you Bill," she said as she got off and hooked her bike to the pole near her house. "You're really sweet, you know." and she smiled. He grabbed her hand. "O-of course. Any-any-time." She kissed him on the cheek again and his eyes went wide before she dropped his hand and walked up to her door, closing it with a wave. 

Omg guys!! I already have 36 reads and it's only been like 2 days! And I already have #381 in IT, out of like 10.6k stories! Thank you so much to everyone who read this and voted!

Word count: 1240 words

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