Part 15

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The next few days were filled with dismay for Y/N. She found it awkward to hang out with any of the Losers, with Bill's outburst still hanging over them. She found herself staying at home all day, staring into space most of the time. 

It was only one Thursday afternoon when a paper airplane shot through her open window. 

She rushed to the piece of folded paper, opening it up to find a mere sentence with blue ink, written with shaky handwriting. It read:

Meet me at the Kissing Bridge, today at 5 o'clock. Don't bring any of the Losers with you. 


Strangely, the letter writer had written their name, but crossed it out enough time to make it unreadable. Y/N dashed up to the window, but no one was there. Clearly, one of the Losers had written this. The airplane in itself gave that away. She stared at the clock, and almost jumped when she saw it was 4:28. She ran up to her closet, throwing on a quick outfit of hers, before dashing out her door. 


As she cycled over to the Kissing Bridge, she pondered about who it was from

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As she cycled over to the Kissing Bridge, she pondered about who it was from. "I guess I'll just have to wait and see," she muttered to herself. 

When she reached the infamous sign of the Kissing Bridge, which now over the years was scratched up and covered with hearts and ships. She parked her bike, and pushed her long hair back before walking up to the bridge. 

Standing right in front of the bridge, was a familiar face. 

Bill Denbrough. 

"W-You sent that letter?" Y/N scoffed, in disbelief. He reached out his hand, opening his mouth to talk, but Y/N shook her head. "I don't wanna hear it, Bill. You hurt me. You hurt all of us. You can't expect me to forgive you in 6 days, can you now?" as she walked back to her bike. 

He ran up to her, placing a warm hand on her shoulder as he held her back, firmly but gently at the same time. "Y-Y/N, I swear, it w-w-was an accident. I-I have these random o-o-outbursts sometimes, they creep up on me when I get a little u-upset." Y/N saw him starting to tear up, and she felt a tear or two in her eyes as well. "T-They usually never happen, but sometimes, they do. I-I'm truly r-r-r-really sorry, Y/N. I-I-I lo-" and she cut him off, with a hug, as she let the tear fall. 

Taken aback for a minute, he was quick to hug her warmly back. "I'm sorry Bill. The Losers told me about your outbursts. It wasn't your fault," she said, trying to console him. He pulled away from the hug to face her. "N-NO! It w-w-was my fault," he said, choking back a sob. "I-I was upset because you s-s-s-said it was a one time thing, and I shouldn't have g-g-gotten mad, b-because, that's truly your f-f-free will, I'm just an a-a-asshole like Henry too, I-" 

It was just then when Y/N noticed the scars on his wrists and arms. "Bill, what are these?" she said, cutting him off again. He gulped. "N-Nothing," he lied. Y/N raised her eyebrows. "They're very much something. How did they get there?" she asked. 

Unable to hold in the lie any more, he spilled the beans. "It was after I realized what I'd done. The day of the fair." he said, refusing to speak any more. 

Her eyebrows fell in sympathy. "Bill, you knew it was jut an outburst. W-Why did you..." and she hesitated to continue. He finished the sentence for her. "Because it's the only way I feel like I've gotten my punishment. I-It makes m-m-me feel better." 
She felt her eyes get more teary after what he just said. "B-But why, Bill? Why?" she said as she wiped her nose. All he did was shrug, but quickly wiped his hand over her cheek as she felt herself go red. "A-A-Anyway. It's f-f-f-fine. Do you wanna go hang out with t-t-the rest of the Losers...?" he said, wiping his nose as well as she nodded with a small smile. 

They got on their separate bikes as she led the way, pedaling away. The ride to the arcade where they knew Richie and Eddie would  be was a short one, and when they arrived they quickly parked their bikes as they headed inside, a bell on the door making a small jingle. Inside, they saw both Eddie and Richie playing Street Fighter, both fumbling quickly over the keys and gears. Throughout all the noise, they could hear Richie's "Fuck!" when he slapped the table. "Well, there's no time like the present!" Y/N said, tilting her head to Bill, and walked up to them. 

"Oh hey Y/N!" Richie said as he paused from his game. Eddie stopped as well to wave a small 'hi.' 

When Richie's gaze moved to Bill, he was about to step forward before Y/N paused to hold his shoulder. "Don't worry Richie, it's okay. We-We made up," she said, smiling. Richie however, was not convinced. "How can you just make up like that in a matter of minutes?! After what he did to you last week?! That's some bullshit, Y/N!" he said angrily as Bill held his head down in shame. 

"Richie! Really! It's fine, don't worry! We talked it through." she said, with clear hope in her voice that he would understand. But Richie's position didn't change. Eddie, was still half-hidden behind Richie, and it was impossible to Y/N or Bill to sense his stance. "Well, Y/N, I don't believe anything till I've got proof!" he exclaimed, and Y/N, now fed up with Richie, grabbed Bill's hand. 

"Want proof, Richie?!" she half (screamed) now. She held up his wrist, the light in the room reflecting perfectly, showing the cuts throughout his hand. Richie's mouth now, stood agape as he peered down at his hands. He was about to say sorry, (Y/N could tell by his face) before Eddie cut him off. "Y-Y-You do that t-too?" Eddie said, as Richie swallowed. Eddie pulled forward his hand to show a few cuts on his wrists, and Y/N and Richie both felt tears in their eyes. Just at that moment, the bell on the door jingled again, and as the 4 of them turned around, they were met with the faces of Stan, Bev, Ben, and Mike, all laughing. When they made eye contact, Stanley waved before slowly letting his hand drop. " you guys all look so....sad?" he said, and he looked down to see Eddie and Bill's hands. He ran up to them, holding both their arms in his hands, staring back at them, straight in the eye. 


Adding a little bit of newer generation issues with older generation issues! Make sure to vote and comment as always!

Word count: 1165 words

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