Part 20

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Y/N sat up groggily. She was in someone's car but was fully clothed, but she was too tired to notice that. What she was able to conclude, though, was that she needed help. She frantically banged on the windows and was able to roll up a single shade. She continued to bang and shout slowly for help, but none came. It was almost 6 pm now, no help would be coming now. Curfew was in an hour. 

Miraculously, a boy seemed to be walking on the streets as he heard a loud bang from a red car on the side of the street. He ran up to the car and pushed open the door, and to his horror, found a girl there, stripped down to her undergarments, with her other clothes covering her. "Y-Y/N!?" he exclaimed. 

And she knew she was safe. Just by the small stutter. "Bill...?" she asked slowly. She wasn't able to do anything besides reach out to him, the drugs were too strong for her. He covered his mouth with his hand, before quickly grabbing her and carrying her. He took off his hoodie as he pulled it over her, and it went down to a few inches above her knees. "It was too hot for that hoodie anyway," he said, before he smoothened out his shirt which was wrinkled from being under the hoodie. He picked her up again, with her other clothes, before rushing back to his house. 


When he opened the door, no one was there still. He rushed back up to his room, placing Y/N gently on his bed, and neatly folding her other clothes next to her in a pile. He sat on the side of the bed, watching her sleep, watching her stomach rising and falling, as she slept comfortably, having no clue of what'd just happened to her. He shuddered at the thought of what could've happened to her if he wasn't walking on that street at that very moment. 

"Who did this to you, Y/N?" he asked the sleeping girl, even though he knew she couldn't hear him, as she was barely conscious from all the drugs she'd probably taken. So, he took the opportunity to tell her what had been on his chest lately. All the time, in fact. There was absolutely nothing else he could think about lately, besides those 3 words. 

"I love you." 

More depressing shit, sorryyyyy. It'll get better. And I know I've been saying that way too often now, but I promise it will, their relationship will build its way back together again! I'm not sure how many chapters I might have now, I was thinking the book would come to a close, but I'm not sure it'll be quite so soon now. Anyway, remember to vote, and comment, love hearing your guys' thoughts as always! Thank you guys for almost 300 reads, it's truly awesome to see so many reads on a book I've put a lot of effort into! 

Word count: 511 words

(Small chapter, I know!) 

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