Part 24

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Helloooo everyone who's reading! 

Surprisingly, this book has 23 active readers. I'm surprised 23 people would want to even read this shit. 

So if you didn't know, I wrote this when I was in 6th Grade. I was 11. Maybe 12. You can probably tell my writing sucks ass, and I genuinely don't think I've ever been more embarrassed that I've written something like this. 

I am leaving this up for me. Just because sometimes I enjoy reading this book from the beginning and laughing at my language- and the fact that I thought that writing 1,000 words was a big achievement.

To be honest, I know for a fact I would drag out the chapters to make them as long as possible.  I don't know how many times I need to say it- but this is SHIT. 

Pure shit, at it's best. 

Please don't take it seriously! I don't write like this anymore, I would say my writing has improved....a lot.....

Thank you for understanding! 


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