Part 22

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Y/N awoke to soft voices murmuring around her. She rubbed her eyes, still feeling sleepy from last night. Turning over, she saw Bill, wide awake, who slowly pressed a finger to his lips, indicating for her to stay quiet. So she closed her eyes back in again, listening intently. 

"-but I don't want to make her go if she likes someone else," she heard a voice say, and she immediately recognized it to be Stanley's. "She likes Bill, so she should go with Bill," he said, and she felt a pang in her heart, a pang of guilt. That she was making Stanley feel like that. "Well, you do-" Richie added before he was cut off by Eddie. "Will you guys lower your voices? I know you don't know this, but teens our age have the best hearing in all age groups! So shut the fu-" "-like we said before, Eddie, nobody cares!" Stanley said, but he lowered his voice too. "As I was saying before," Richie muttered, "You do have a point. The ultimate way for you to show Y/N that you love her would be to let her go with Bill. All the same, no one can like B-B-Billy Boy here, for long, now can they?" he said, with a smile, which definitely cheered Stan up. 

A bigger wave of guilt took over Y/N. So Stan did like her. The worst part of all is that she liked another. She took the opportunity to "wake up." 

"Goodmorning!" she said, bright, awake and chirpy, which definitely startled them all. "H-Hi....?" Richie said in a monotone voice. "Why do you look so bright and awake?" he asked, and she rubbed her eyes, adding onto her act of just waking up. "I'm not," she said. "Anyway, are you guys gonna help me get ready? For the dance, thing?" she asked. She heard mutters of agreement and head nods, so she smiled. "Perfect. After breakfast?" she asked, and was met by a bunch of head nods again. 


After breakfast, she changed back into her other clothes, but bit her lip because they didn't feel right to her. The fact that just mere hours ago, she'd been assaulted in them. "What made me so pretty, anyway?" she said to herself, as she looked in the mirror. She called out for Bill. 

"Y-Yeah?" he came, jogging to the door mere seconds later. "C-Can I use some of your hoodies or something? I don't want to wear these again until they've been washed thoroughly," she said, looking back at herself and her reflection in the mirror. He nodded quickly, opening up his closet as he pulled out a plain top and some sweatpants. She grabbed them and she gave him a quick hug of thanks before giving him a light kiss on the cheek before jogging down the stairs, Bill on her tail. 

When she got back in the living room, she was about to say her goodbyes to the rest of the Losers before Stanley held out his hand quickly. "Wait!" he exclaimed. She turned around quickly, whipping her head in his direction. "Yeah?" 

He looked back at Bill, and then Y/N before taking a deep breath. "Well, should go with Bill," he said, sighing. Y/N on the other hand was confused. "Go with Bill? Go where?" she asked. He scoffed lightly, not out of anger. "To the dance," he said. She looked down, fumbling with her hands. "Oh..what made you change your mind?" she asked curiously. "Well, I've seen you guys together. You guys are perfect for each other," he said, with a sad smile. She looked at Bill, who was blushing. She reached out to Stanley and enveloped him in a big hug, which definitely took him by surprise. "Oh Stan, I don't know what I'd do without you. I'm sorry," she said, with a sad smile. He smiled lightly. "It's okay," he said. "I'd rather you go with someone you truly want to go with," he said, and she smiled widely. "Anyway, I'll see you guys later!" she said and waved goodbye as she closed the door with a thud. 

The sun was bright on her face, and it was a nice day. A little hot for sweats, but it was fine as her house was only a street away. As she walked down the asphalt pavement, she felt her body tense up at the spot the red car was, which was still parked there. She stopped for a minute, looking at the car again before her slow, walking pace turned into a jog. She jogged up to her house, before fumbling to open the door and quickly closed it behind her. She was met with her parents, who waved. She waved back, and paused, as she wondered if she should tell them what had happened. "It'll just add to their stress," she thought, and quickly shook the idea away from her mind. "Need anything?" her Mom asked curiously, and she zoned back into present time. "'m-I'm fine, thanks," she said, before hurriedly running up the stairs to her room, two at a time. 

She tossed her jeans and the baby pink long sleeved top in the wash, knowing she wouldn't be wearing those for some time, at least until they were washed. Looking at her clock, which her Dad had gotten her from Brazil, she saw the hands of the clock ticking, and felt her eyes go wide when she realized that it was already 3 pm, and the 4th of July Town Dance was only in a few hours. She quickly got out the dress from her closet, which she presumed her Mom had put back in her closet, and pulled out her heels. She opened a small closet in her bigger closet and pulled out a pearl necklace. "That'll go perfectly," she thought to herself with a small smile. Now, laying on her bed was her whole outfit, and she responded with a big smile across her face. 

"I'll look beautiful," she muttered, even though she knew no one could hear her. 


Their relationship is coming back togetherrrr, finallyyy! I swear, I've been waiting for this moment forever. Please vote and comment, it helps a ton!

Word count: 1043 words

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