Part 16

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"Why?" Stan mumbled, looking up at both of them, as Beverly's smile dropped too. "It's nothing," Eddie said, quickly pulling his hand back as Bill pulled his back as well. Y/N, took charge, not wanting to pressure either Eddie or Bill to talk about their mental health. 

"It's fine, Stan, we've all made up now. Bill...he...apologized, and it's all good now!" she said, placing a smile on his face. He was half convinced, but decided to role with it anyway. "Okay, well, how is it that we all met at the same place, and at the same time!" he exclaimed, his cute smile coming back on his face, making everyone laugh. "Guess we just know each other really well," Y/N said with a smile, this time, it was a real one. "By the way, there's something I wanna talk to you guys about. The day of the fair," she said. "Maybe we could go get some ice cream, about it," she added. Everyone nodded their heads in approval, and they left the now empty arcade to go to the vendor next door. They entered the small store. It was a cute store, the tile was lavender purple and a cute song was faint in the background. As she ordered, she could hear the faint whispers of the Losers' on their table. 

"What do you think she's gonna talk to us about?" Stanley whispered. "I don't know, mayb-" but then she couldn't hear it anymore as the music got louder. "Uh...3 vanillas, 2 chocolate, 1 strawberry, and 2 birthday cakes, please!" she asked, as she passed a 10 dollar bill to the man. He tusked and shook his head. "You're short of a dollar, for that last birthday cake." he said, in a creepily scratchy tone. She hung her head backwards. 

"Hey guys?" she said as she turned around. "We're short of a dollar, for Richie's ice cream." 

But before anyone could even look in their pockets, Eddie jumped up. "I'll pay for it!" he exclaimed, as he zipped open the fanny pack to reveal a crisp 1 dollar bill. "Thanks, Eddie," she said, grabbing it as she handed it over to the man. "Thanks, Eds," Richie said in a monotone voice. "Don't you dare fucking call me Eds," Eddie exclaimed in his normal, pipsqueak voice. 

As Y/N placed the ice creams on her table, she picked up her vanilla one as she began to tell everyone what she'd been noticing. "Okay, well, the thing I wanted to talk to you guys about was-" "-SHUT UP EDDIE!" and they all looked at Eddie and Richie, who were shoving each other with their shoulders. "Oh g-g-g-god, Richie, E-Eddie, s-s-stop acting like t-t-toddlers for once, and l-l-listen up!" Bill exclaimed. 

"Anyway, at the fair," Y/N continued. "Ever since that day, I've been hearing these whispers. At random places of the day, too. They always go something like 'you're next,' and then they repeat for about a minute like that. And then they just...stop. Until they start repeating again. 

"Well,'s not like any other town I've lived in before. Before I met you guys, I would spend all my time in the library, and-" "People go to the library for fun? Holy fucking shit!" Richie exclaimed with a laugh. "Richie, if you don't shut up, I will literally make sure your ice cream is smeared across your face." Y/N said as she rolled her eyes. "Richie, if you don't shut up, I will literally make sure your ice cream is smeared across your face!" Richie said, in a high pitched voice, mimicking her. 

"Anyway Ben, continue," Beverly said with a small smile as Ben blushed. "Well, it's just that, the disappearance rate is 6 times the National Average. And that's just for adults. For's way worse. Way, way worse.
He opened up his black backpack and pulled out a cream colored folder, fat with papers inside. He opened them up, spreading them across the table. "See, there ya go. Derry Times did an article and graph over the years about how many people going missing. The strange thing I've noticed, though, is that there are really never that many disappearances most years. They always happen-" "every 27 years," Bill and Y/N said at the same time, as the others nodded their heads. 

"Exactly," Ben said, now also nodding his head. "Look at this list of the number of people throughout the years." he said, and flipped the paper over as Y/N read.  

1935, 30 dead in famine. 

1935-1961, total of only 6 disappearances throughout all years. 

1962, events which killed: 

Mining Accident: 18 killed, 6 separate disappearances: 6 missing. Total: 24

1963-1970, no disappearances. 

1971-1977, 2 disappearances every year.    

1978, 1 disappearance. 

1979-1982, 2 disappearances.

1983-1985, 1 disappearance. 

1986-1988, no disappearances. 

1989, TBD. 

As they looked up at Ben in shock, he nodded his head, agreeing with them. "That's exactly what I thought too, when I read through all of this." 

"B-But, if it happens every 27 years, doesn't that then mean that...." Y/N said, trailing off. Ben nodded his head again with dismay. "That's exactly what it means," he said. "If that's true, that it happens every loop of 27 years, well-" 

They all were able to finish his sentence for him. 

"We're in the 27th year." 

Finally bringing some scariness into the book! However those events will probably occur mostly in the sequel! I'll try my best to update more frequently, but as school's started I don't have as much time, and so I'm only updating on weekends, mostly at least. Make sure to vote, and comment any suggestions you have as well, or questions you want answered. I'll try my best to read all of them and respond! Also, thank you guys so much for almost 200 reads at this point, and close to about 30 votes! It truly means a lot that you guys like this book so much (Well, I don't actually know if you do). 

Word count: 1002 words

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