Part 21

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Y/N rubbed her eyes open. She sat up slowly, before gasping when she realized she wasn't in her own room. She was in someone else's. Why the fuck am I wearing other clothes!? she screamed at herself, (in her head). But she remembered this room....if only her memory wasn't hazy. She turned over, and yelped when she saw a boy sleeping next to her. He turned around, she must've woken him up. "Bill?" she asked nervously. "Y-Yeah?" he responded. 

Her eyes widened. "W-Why am I in your room? A-A-And why am I in different clothes? And why are my regular clothes sitting folded, over there?" she asked in ragged breathing and a shaky tone. He looked down, pausing, wondering if he should tell her. "You w-w-w-were kidnapped.  I don't k-k-know what happened, but I was lucky to be there. You were banging on the windows and I just h-h-happened to hear it. I-" he placed a hand on her shoulder as he felt the girl tense up. "W-What did he do to me?" she asked, slowly. "A-A-All I know is that he probably h-h-hurt you," Bill said, gnawing at the inside of his cheek. Y/N looked down. She chuckled falsely. "I'm going to go to the bathroom," she said, and he removed his hand from her shoulder. "Okay," he said. 

She stood up, and was about to look down because she felt herself standing on something squishy. She heard a grunt and tripped as the "thing" was moved. She fell down on the floor, but this time, on someone's torso. "Holy fuck, Y/N!" she heard a familiar voice exclaim. "You stepped on my fucking arm! And now you're all over Stanley!" he exclaimed. "Richie?!" she exclaimed, as the other's started to wake up now, as well. "What the fuck are you doing here? When the fuck did you even get here?" she asked, looking back at Bill, who was just smiling to himself. "I-can't....breath" Stanley choked out, and Y/N immediately got off of him, with a look she knew meant sorry. Bill turned on the light, and everyone started squinting in reaction. "Oh.My.Fucking.God, Y/N, sleeping less than 6 hours a night is EXTREMELY bad for your immune system, it can cause fucking migranes-" "-like we said before, Eddie, we don't care!" Stanley exclaimed, now everyone up. "Well I care! I care about not dying at 40 because of my immune system, so shut the fuck up and-" Y/N stomped her foot. "Guys! We are diverting from the actual problem here! Why the fuck are all of you guys here?" she exclaimed. 

Richie looked up at her. "Oh, because Bill phoned us. Something bad happened to you, we heard?" he asked, and everyone went back to a solemn tone. "Oh...yeah. It's nothing," she said. "Don't worry about it." Bill gave her a look. "It very much is s-s-something!" he exclaimed. "Y-Y-You were hurt!" he said. 

After hearing that, everyone sat up. "What?!?" Richie and Stanley exclaimed at the same time. "By that asshole Bowers? Oh my god I'm gonna rip that asshole to pieces, I-" and she gave him a look that made his voice slowly trail off. "It wasn't him. It was some other guy," she said, looking down a she fumbled with her fingers. "Do you remember what he looks like?" Stanley said, worriedly. "N-No," she said. "I was loopy from the drugs, I don't even remember what he did to me," she said, a small coat of glass coating her eyes. "All I remember is that he was doing bad...bad things to me," she said, quickly wiping the tears away before anyone could see. "I shouldn't have been out that late anyway," she said quickly. "It's my fault." 

Bill sat up. "Y-Your fault? You were out a-a-an hour before curfew, Y-Y-Y/N. T-There's no way that' y-y-y-your fault." she shrugged. 

"It's okay, let's talk about it in the morning," she said, rubbing her eyes again. "I have more important things to worry about, like the event tomorrow," she said, smiling, but none of them smiled back. "More important things, Y/N? After you were sexually assaulted? That's a really big deal," Eddie said, dropping his smile and focusing more on the girl, who was clearly not showing her true emotions. "Fine," she said, giving in. "I'll file another report at the station later on. Can we just go to bed now...please?" she asked, as she crawled back into bed, savoring the warmth under the covers. "For once, I agree with Y/N," Richie said, as he stood on his knees to turn the light off again. 

Everyone snuggled back into their various sleeping bags, as Bill shifted his pillow so Y/N would have more space. She laid on her back, staring at the ceiling before looking at Bill, whose back was turned against her. She turned around and felt her arm hug his torso, as she huddled closer to him, her chin on his shoulder. She knew he was upset about the whole Stanley and her thing, and after hearing what happened from Beverly she felt absolutely horrible about it because she knew how much she'd hurt him, even though it was a complete misunderstanding. 

To her utter surprise, she felt his arm grasp hers tightly, pulling her closer to him as he hugged her back as well. The moon illuminated his face and she could see his features, his plump lips and long lashes, which were covering his icy blue eyes, which were now closed. His hair grazed his forehead, and it looked extremely shiny in the moonlight. His cotton striped pajama shirt was soft and her fingertips were lightly touching it. She felt herself get more and more tired by the minute, and was quick to shut the whole world out by closing her eyes, now only feeling Bill's soft hand holding hers. 

Okayyyy, what do you guys think? Make sure to vote and comment as always, love y'all so much of course <3. 

Word count: 1023 words

(Having 1000 words or more is usually my target, by the way!)

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