Part 12

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Besides the kiss, Y/N was surprisingly bubbly that day, making her parents wonder what was going on that day. She walked into the yard and grabbed her bike, eventually heading out to the Losers' houses to pick them up. First Bill, then Richie, Eddie, Stan, and Ben, and last, Bev, who unfortunately lived on the outskirts of town. When they were all together, she head the pack near the Quarry to chill out. "So, lovebirds, what's been up with you? Do anything....interesting...last night?" he asked, obviously trying to pull their leg after seeing them smiling at each other. Y/N immediately looked up at him in shock. Richie was such an ass but somehow managed to catch them every. single. time. 

"Richie! God, shut up already! We're just friends!" she said and went back to her magazine. Ben was just about to open his mouth when they heard screeching car tires and loud music. And there was only 1 gang in this town who played that type of Heavy Metal. The Bullies. 

When they heard that, they all looked at each other and quickly ran up to their bikes, taking a left turn and speeding away. They were about to sigh in relief before they heard a loud, piercing scream. They skidded to a stop and dropped their bikes, turning back, hoping to save one of their new victims. When they got there, they were met by Hochester, Belch, and Huggins standing in front of the homeschooled kid. Hochester had a rock in his hand and was about to hit him before he saw the Losers. "Ah! The Losers! How're ya doing Y/N? What did ya think of your little encounter with Henry?" he asked with a sly look on his face. 

Y/N whimpered a little, trying not to show it while Bill stepped in front of her, squeezing her arm. "S-S-Shut up, Hochester! Y-Y-You bi-bitch!" he screamed, while Bev pointed him the middle finger. Hochester turned his gaze to Beverly. "You guys are trying too hard," he said with a smile. "She'll do you. Just like she did Henry," he said, and Bev just stared at him. "AAARRRGHHHH!" Ben screamed out, startling everyone. He hit him with a rock, perfectly on his forehead. "The fuck!?" he screamed out, grabbing a rock and aiming at Stanley, which narrowly missed him by only the span of a few inches. "ROCK WAR!" Richie screamed out, only to be hit by a rock in the forehead moments later. 

Y/N threw a rock at Hochester, which surprisingly hit him square in the nose, causing his nose to bleed. However, not all was a victory for the Losers as Belch and Huggins managed to get a few good shots at Y/N, Ben, Bev, and Eddie as they were standing in front. But they were intimidating enough for Huggins and Belch to run away after a few minutes, while Hochester was still being pelted with rocks as he was on the ground. "This isn't over, you fuckers!" he screamed before somehow scrambling to his feet, and running out of there like the other two. "Go blow your Dad, you mullet wearing asshole!" Richie screamed out and showed him the middle finger, as he left. 

The others chuckled, checking each other out for bruises before heading back to town with the homeschooled kid. "So, Mike, huh? What happened to you?" Richie said. He looked back at them. "Well, I'm an orphan. Well not really. My parents died in a fire when I was only about 6. I've been living with my grandparents ever since," he told them all with a sigh. 

"Holy shit! Did your parents die in that warehouse fire!?" he exclaimed. Y/N rolled her eyes. "God Richie, he probably doesn't want to talk about his dead pare-" and Richie put his hand over her mouth. She pushed it away but Mike continued. "It's fine. But...yeah. The alleyway on Main Street? That's where they died." he said. "Wow. Didn't realize. That was like the biggest thing on the news for a while. Besides that old lady Ms. Kenningworth who was an ass and stole a bunch of groceries," he said, shaking his head, and Mike nodded in agreement. 

"Anyway! Let's talk about less depressing things! Why don't we all go to the 4th Of July fair tomorrow? That should be fun! Plus, my parents think that I've been in 'boring' places of Derry for the past few days, and they want me to explore the main streets for a while," Y/N said, hoping to end the conversation as she could see Mike getting upset. "S-S-Sure," Bill said. 

"Wait! Shut up guys, Mike doesn't even know our names. This girl in the blue is Y/N, next to her is Bill,-" and he put his hand to his mouth to whisper. "They're both in love with each other!" he said smiling, and whispering loud enough for them to hear, and Y/N gave him a sweet smile and a middle finger. "Anyway, perfect Stanley is right next to me, this is Richie, and then this is Bev. Oh and, this haystack over here is Ben. And, I'm Eddie. I almost forgot," he said, and Mike nodded his head again. 

"ANYWAYY, back to what I was saying, before EDDIE, cut me off, what do you guys think about tomorrow?" she asked, and they all nodded. "If I'm back by 6, we should be good," Beverly said, smiling at Ben who of course, gave her a big toothy smile back. 

"Sounds perfect, make sure to bring around 5$ for tickets though, okay?" she said, and after they all nodded, Y/N gave them a wave, and Bill a quick kiss on the cheek before getting on her bike and riding off, not seeing Bill go red completely, smiling, after the kiss stirring up yesterdays events again. "See Mike, we weren't lying, they are lovebirds!" Richie said and Mike laughed. "S-S-Shut up Richie," he said, something he thought he'd been saying quite often recently. 

"Well, how come she only kissed you, and not us, huh? I want a kiss kiss too!" he said, making his voice sound like a whining toddler, and Bill and Bev rolled their eyes. Stanley thankfully changed the topic. 

"Well, I've gotta go, I need to go help my Dad out at the synagogue. I'll see you all tomorrow, I guess. Nice to meet you...Mike," he said, and rode off like Y/N. "Oh yeah, that reminds me. I have to go help my Mom make cookies for some random Jewish holiday that's coming up," Richie added. 

And with that, they all got on their bikes and rode off in their separate ways as the sun set. 


Okay, this was kind of a boring chapter, I'm sorry! I'll try to make their relationship progress more in the next few chapters, plus, I'm really excited about the fair idea I've added. I have a few good relationship ideas that could go on there. Anyway, remember to vote, it truly helps A TON! 

Word count: 1174 words 

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