Four | Birthday Ball Prt. 1

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Odette Sinclair

Looking into the mirror, I see someone who has always dreamed of being a princess like the fairytale books my mother would read to me. It's crazy to think at how far I've come without her. I hate it. I hate every thought of it. A small tear escapes through my lashes, making me wipe it quickly before anyone saw. An emotional moment for an emotional being.
When I was younger, I dreamed of this day. Turning 19, a big party with so many presents and my mom; tearing up as she watched a servant tie me into my dress. A very far out dream so it seems but I was young; too young and far to naive to know anything. Sometimes I feel and think as though I still am that naive little girl with golden hair and had everything served to her on a silver platter, and in those moments I want nothing more than to run away from it. Most importantly; run from my marriage to a cold hearted man.

Emily ties the dress up quickly, zoning me back to reality. I hold some parts of my hair up ever so gently, as she claps on my mother's necklace. A simple diamond necklace in the shape of a rose. My hair falls cascading down my shoulder in winding curls, Emily sets my tiara on my head. She backs up and smiles, tears brimming her eyes.

"Odette you look beautiful."

"Thank you."

"You look just like her, you know. From your eyes to your toes." She let's out a small laugh. I laugh with her, but this one sounds more forced than anything.

"I second that. My darling little girl never seems to surprise me." I look over, my father smiles with a rose in his hand.

All I could do is smile as tears brim my eyes. Why am I crying so much today. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me. "Your mother would have said the same thing." He quietly said.

"I miss her." I hugged him tighter.

"I miss her too sweetheart. She wouldn't want you to cry on your birthday. She is always with you, you know this." I nod and pull myself out of his arms, wiping the tears that fell.

"You're right. Mother would throw a fit if she saw a single mascara line" We both laugh knowing that's true. No tears on a big day she would always say.

"Now. You have guests to mingle with and a husband to look for. Shall we?" His smile gets bigger as he holds his arm out. I nod taking it, walking beside him.

• • •

Laughter and light chatter seeps from the cracks of the ballroom door. As we walk closer, the noise gets louder and the nerves begin to settle in. Trumpet's play a kind of tune that mean an announcement is about to be made. My father glances at me and nods.

"Remember what mother always told you." He says before walking through the door, just enough without me being seen.

"Never show weakness to guest."

"Attention everyone, Thank you so much for attending my daughters ball. We welcome you in a peaceful manner. Now, please welcome, my daughter; Princess Odette Fay Sinclair." His voice booms through the ballroom.

The doors open and noise erupts through the ballroom. Walking through, my eyes scan down at the endless amounts of eyes at me and the knowledge that one pair of them could be my future husbands is astounding to me. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and descend the stairs.

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