Seven | Twisted Memories

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Odette Sinclair

    The castle walls were dark, almost too dark sending shivers down my spine but I must admit, it was well lit. Beautiful chandeliers dangled front the ceiling. I followed Lilian as she showed me around. The kitchen, big and elegant had everything we needed. The shattered marble covered the floor in soft motions that it was easy to mistake it as paint strokes. The countertops, were a mix of dark wood and crystals, matching the floor. He has nice taste, I will give him that.

The dinning room, a huge grand table that could feed the mouths of 100 at once was set. The dishes and silverware were placed, neat and prepped for any command. At the end of the table was a dark thrown. Snakes were coiled along the arms, with black silk embedded in the back piece.

"That is the King's chair, yours is the one beside it." Lilian pointed out. Looking over, the chair beside it was smaller but with the same style. The only difference was instead of snakes, there were claws of a panther.

"Does he ever use that chair?" By the look of it, dust is collected within the top of it.

"Only has before his father died. He usually eats his dinner in his office, always doing work." She replies, "Come, there is still so much to see."

Continuing through the halls, she explains the halls that contain maids quarters, and extra guest bedrooms. She shows me the gym beside the upper courtyard garden.

"We have a lower courtyard that has a terrace, giving an excellent view of the village. It shows the lake as well."

"Then you might find me there all the time." I smile, letting out a laugh gaining one from her.

Walking back into the castle, she brings me to my room within the North wing.

Through the door, the room was huge. Beautiful light baby blue paint was painted on the walls. The bed next to a giant window with a small bench to sit. There was a desk of my own, a place for my painting, a bathroom and a big walk in closet.

"This is beautiful" I gasped out. It was. The way the gold trim pulled the room together make my heart beat faster.

"I will let you get settled. Have a lovely night Odette, and welcome home." She smiled before exiting the room.

As fast as joy came, I felt alone. I was not home. I was in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people. A couple butler's brought in my luggage and leaving, paying no mind to me. I sighed as I started unpacking my belongings. Any normal princess would have someone do it, someone did offer. Claire, a young maid trying to pay her father's debt off by working for the king. She helped me put my dresses on hooks and in my closet.

"So Claire, may I ask how long you have been here for?"

"I've been here since I was 19." She set a couple boxes near the door to take out.

"And how old are you now?"


"That's a long time. Do you think you will be able to leave at some point?"

"No, and I'm okay with that. I won't have to worry about the outside world that much. Of course it's good to know but when your here, you get taken care of. We are able to live here while out there, people like me have the possibility to go rouge or even die." she told.

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