Eleven | Forced.

607 16 2

Odette Sinclair

*warming some physical abuse happens in this chapter.‼️

Silence filled the room since he came in. Not in any of the seconds or minutes we've been in the same state, has a word left our mouths. He's drunk and I know well enough that in the morning or when he gets out of this mindset, he'll hit me and ignore me all over again. A never ending cycle, a period of repetition. One, that I somehow found myself in.

"Augusto?" I nervously ask.

Coming out of his daze, he looks around. Noticing two things, me and the fact that his arms are wrapped around me. Quickly, he removes his arms and backs away and I shiver. Not the fact that he's near me, but that his warmth has left and now cold air rushes against me.

He continues to stay silent, his eyes never leaving mine. "Do you need assistance going back to your room?"

"No. I am quiet capable of doing that myself." He cuts in short, his eyebrows frown together.

I head to my bed, opening the covers and lying within them. I sigh and close my eyes trying to ignore his stare from across the room. He's still here, I can sense him.

"Augusto if there is something you wish to say then say it. I am tired and wish to go to bed without your stare." My heart races. I don't ever try to speak up to anyone.

Suddenly I'm turned onto my back. His eyes glare back into mine and search for something. Searching for something that could be of use to him. I am an open book. One that can never be shut and that's the most devastating part of myself I know.

"You're sad." He states. Why does he care?

"Why must you think of such thing? I am perfectly fine Augusto. Now I wish to go to bed as how I feel doesn't concern you."

Getting up, he leaves the room. The door closing with a soft thud as his feet make it down and across the hall to his bedroom. I let out a sigh as the thought occurred to me. Was he going to hit me again? It's one of those things that will forever stick to me, like clue. Like the noodles children in kindergarten would stick on paper to create shapes. The only difference is this is less exciting and fun.

Rolling over, I look out my window. Slumber I knew would not be my best friend tonight, as my mind would think it's thoughts till sunrise.

"You're sad." His dark eyes that starred back at mine seemed to want to get close but with the challenges of his own mind, he won't.

A tear fell, leaping onto the my pillows. Why must I be the one to be with him? He shouldn't be with someone like me I've realized. We are polar opposites. I'm the sun on a nice spring day, flowers blooming and dancing in the wind. Butterflies flying as children chase them with smiles on their faces. He's the stormy nights that kids fear, looming in the shadows as the night takes you. The fire that leaves wounds on your skin and a knifes that cuts you at unexplainable lengths, observing as you suffer. How can those two polars ever collide?

Footsteps erupt the silence in the hall again. His footsteps. Making his way to my door, he stands there. No knock, no nothing.

Maxi? I call out to her.


Is he only acting like this because of the bond?

Most likely. Can I go back to bed now?

Yeah, go ahead. I cut her out to allow her the slumber she needs. For her to not be grumpy, she needs her beauty sleep.

The door opens and I quickly close my eyes. My heart beats faster as he comes closer.

The smallest touch of his fingertips make their way down the side of my face, my neck and my arm. My body shivers against his touch, sending head down my body.

Ignore it.
Ignore it.

"I know you're awake."


"Odette." Sharply through the night he says it. He says my name in a way that makes my spine shiver, my knees weaken and my heart scared.

"Augusto." I reply back, "May I help you?"

Nothing. Sitting up quickly, I look at him. Intently he just stares at me. No ounce of emotion present upon his face. I stand up and grab his arm.

"Come on. You're drunk and won't let me sleep." I try to pull him towards the door but he pushes me off. I sigh, rubbing my head.

Walking closer to me, he slides his hands around my neck. Eyes as cold as his search mine as his hands start to squeeze.

"Augusto- your..your hurting me.." My hands run up to his chest as I push. I use every ounce of strength I have to push but he doesn't move an inch.

"A-Augusto..please!!" I gasp as my vision becomes cloudy. In some glimpse that I had, I notice his eyes have gotten darker like the sky at midnight.

"I fucking hate you Odette Fay Sinclair." He growls.

"Augusto I-" I couldn't even finish my sentence. Quickly, he pulled me closer and did the unthinkable. Augusto's sank his teeth into the spot between my neck and shoulder.

I was forcefully marked by my future husband.

I screamed. An ugly curtailing scream.

My body went limp as all light faded.

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