Twenty-Five | Bipolar

626 16 0

Augusto Cyrus

Odette laid asleep next to me. Her soft and quiet whimpers left her mouth every now and then. Leaving me not taking my eyes off her. She's gorgeous and she always has been.

I'm a bipolar man. I know that by now. My childhood wasn't like others but as a royal family, who's is? Royal family and normal ever end up in the same sentence. There's so much more expected of you. Everyone looks to you for everything. Every conflict and every situation. When I met Odette that night at her birthday ball, I thought she was breathtaking. I still think that but I knew she was going to drive me crazy. Not because she's crazy on her own, she is far from that.

I run my fingers softly down her cheek, smiling at just the thought of her even if she is right next to me. She's gentle, sweet and so pure.

She's my everything.

But the lies, the fucking lies I have to continuously say in order to keep her safe makes our future look foggy. The life of my child depends on it, the life of my family depends on it.

"I love you, Odette" I whisper into her hair, kissing her there. Moving down, I kiss her growing belly. "I love you too my little bean."

Love makes you do crazy things. Going through the ends of the earth to protect what you love, eternally to what yours. I look at her and I see my future. I see a whole new life ahead of us. One where the sun shines brighter as little feet run around the castle. As much as that life sounds peaceful and calming, the path to get there won't be.

Getting up, I put on my dress pants, shoes and dark grey button up. If I want this life with her, I better get my army ready for what's to come. This kingdom will not fall but only grow above the foundation of lies.

• • •

Looking around, my men all gather around. Fighting for their kingdom and the lives lost. It made me think back to the days where I stood where they stood.

"What kind of training are we going to do today?," Logan, one of my best warriors tilts his head in confusion, "It seems like something is amiss your highness for calling a meeting so quickly."

"Yes and I know. But what I have to tell you is extremely important."

"What is it your highness?" Stella asks.

I bring my 5 warriors to the side, leaving my back towards other members of my army. This news only needs to be shared with them and I trust them with my life. Grabbing a paper, I write down the news.

They gasps and the girls smile.

"How far along?"

" Almost a month, " I whisper cautiously, "the only reason she was able to know so quickly is because she's a queen and was um...sick anyway." I shake my head letting a small smile creep up to my face.

Composing myself, I look around me and everyone nods. "You know what needs to be done."

The men around me pair up, we begin training and working at our strategies as the ladies think of ways to protect Odette and my unborn child.

• • •

"So you're saying we keep them in the lower bunkers of the dungeons when an attack is made?" I lift my brows, looking at the group of girls. Their eyes travel with each other after hearing how crazy that sounds.

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