Twenty - Eight | Filthy Hands

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‼️warning: abuse later in this chapter‼️


"She's in there boss. Not hurt, blind folded and tied just like you wanted. He won't find out right?"

"No. You're free to go." Waving my hand, he leaves.

Walking towards the room she's being help in, my heart couldn't help but race. She can feel my presence. She knows who I am. Her heart races too but her breathing never changes, always stays the calm and collected pattern. It's been so long my little flower.

Walking inside the room, she tenses. My scent, suffocating her as her fear rises.

"It's been so long my little flower. Hasn't it?" I ask, exaggerating the ' T ' at the end.

She says nothing. Doesn't respond but she can hear me. She's scared. Good. Just how I like her.

"I've missed you." I spoke with such compassion to this moment.

"Oh please, you don't know a thing about missing someone." She snaps, nudging her face towards mine. The silk blindfold around her eyes made a smirk rise to my face.

Walking closer to her, she tenses. The closer I get, the more her scent runs through me. There was something else there- I just couldn't figure it what.

"Stay away from me!" She cries, trying to move out of the chair but, with the rope around her wrists it's useless to try. So cute.

"You're a feisty one, I'll give you that but," I grab her neck hard enough to make her jump and struggle for air. "Watch what you say to me or you're going to make this harder for you. You hear me?" She nods and I let her go.

"What do you want from me."

"Nothing useful sweetheart. Not like then, nows different."

"Then let me go. I'm no use to you anymore! I have nothing left for you to take!"

"Ah ah ah, but you do. You are my little flower, mine alone. So tell me, does Augusto ring a bell?" I let my voice pitch a bit higher at the end.

"Don't you fucking hurt him!" She pulls at the rope.

I slap her, hard. Leaving her stunned.

"Watch your mouth. I will do as I fucking please. You want to know what I'll do to him? Give me some practice princess, in fact I'll do it to you but nicer."

Pulling my knife out, I dab wolfsbane on the blade before slowly dragging it down her arm. She screams, loud and raspy.

The smell of her skin burning with blood mixes in the air sending shivers down my spine.

"Stop it! Please!" She pauses between a hostile sob, "I'm pregnant!" The tears stream down her delicate cheeks down to the floor. That's what made your touch different.

I'm stunned. My little flower is pregnant- with his baby. Not mine.

"How far along?" I ask, setting down the wolfsbane covered knife, keeping my back towards her.

"Almost 5 months now."

There's a baby in my little flowers stomach. My mind can't fathom that. That thought echos through my mind.

"Odette, do you wanna know what else I'll do to him?" I whisper in her ear. She stays quiet- afraid of what I'll say.

Again, nothing.

Something within me clicks, annoyed that she's not so obedient like she used to be. I punch her to the ground, smiling as I watch her take my blow. The chair breaks into pieces, she strives to get up but I easily grab her.

"Please!! No!" She sobs harder in fear. I take her to the side wall, turning her, I chain her hands above her head. I cut the dress off, exposing her back. That's when I start, taking my belt laced with wolfsbane.

I slightly turn her and look at her growing tummy. She's telling the truth- there is a little thing growing inside her.

It's not yours.. My thoughts yell.

I turn her back around, beginning to slash her back like I'm painting on a blank canvas. Just like she likes to do.

I couldn't stop. I watched the blood trickle down her body. She's pregnant with his baby not mine but his. I think about ways to kill the baby but I can't. My little flower would be broken and I want the best for her.

"Please stop!" She cries again, snapping me out of my thoughts. Her back is slashed so many times I know this will scar. It's beautiful on her to be honest. As much pleasure this brings me I also don't want it to stain my floors. So I grab water and a clothe, slowly and gently cleaning her. She screams, so loud I have to worry about people hearing. Grabbing another clean rag, I put it in her mouth continuing the cleaning.

Augusto Cyrus

"What do you mean you can't find her?" I barked. My wife, my beautiful wife and child were missing.

"There is no sign of them anywhere. We've searched the lands and we've found nothing sire." They lay their heads down.

"Keep searching. Find my wife." I yell. They nod, running out of the room.

My wife. I screwed up, big time. Throwing my office desk over, I could help but want to ruin this room. I want to ruin the walls, paintings and books. But everytime I think about them, they remind me of her. My beautiful, pregnant wife that I continually either hurt or put in harms way.


I need to be a better man. I'm comfortable and I need to tell Jacob to fuck off with this deal. I want no part in it anymore. My wife is all mine as I am all hers. Nothing is going to stand in my way of getting my family back. I will start a war that clears his kingdom, once and for all.

I have a plan; and this one I plan to tell Odette.

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