Fifteen | Compliment.

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Augusto Cyrus

           Mother would always believe that the most memorable moment in your life, was the seconds it took to watch the love of your life walk down that isle. The smallest isle yet it took forever to walk through. I never knew what it meant nor wanted to understand because I knew from the moment I turned eighteen that picture perfect life, that fairytale life was to never be mine. I don't want it either.

Something sparked in me however. Watching her innocent soul, the purest soul I've ever been in counter with looked absolutely gorgeous. Never in a million years did I believe such thoughts could happen, such words would form out of this cruel mouth of mine. Beautiful golden strands of hair gently laid down her shoulders, gently flying back here and there. The way her eyes seemed to glisten between the lights above her, the way her sun kissed skin made everything about her just right; suffocating me enough that my throat began to feel dry. Her skin against my hand was soft, delicate. A part of me loved it; craved it, but I wanted nothing more than to call this off and let them suffer. I wanted all of this to end along with her.

The man in front of us spoke, his mouth moved but I heard nothing. I only could hear her breathing, her heart pounding inside her small chest, her small frame that seamed like porcelain. One wrong move and she shatters.

"Now, King Cyrus, Do you take Princess Odette  Sinclair to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her and keep her in sickness and in health, forest king all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do" I don't fucking want this.

"Do you Princess Odette Sinclair, take King Augusto Cyrus to be your husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her and keep her in sickness and in health, forest king all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do" She smiles. 

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

I kiss her ad pray for this to end but happy that I get to feel her lips again.


After the small party, we headed up to what is now our room. All of her belongings were moved into mine and this is where rules I have set, come in.

"Now, we need to talk." I lay on my bed, unbuttoning my tux jacket, laying it on the back of the chair in the corner. I lean against the wall towards the bed. 

"Continue" she waves her hands as she enters my- I mean our closet.

"There will be a set of rules with this marriage. Not restricting but I will not be restricted to you."

You are such a fucking asshole. Is she a dog? Did we adopt a cat?

Walking out in a short nightgown, she looks at me with an eyebrow raised. "That makes no sense Augusto. At least try to make sense when making rules."

"Odette, rule #1 don't expect me to be anything else but myself"

"I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing. That would just hurt me more than it would you." My eyes go wide, I didn't expect her to be this upfront about such matters.

"Rule #2, don't expect us to fuck when our wolves want it. We will do our duty when it's time." I add.

She nods laying on the other side of the bed. Observing her, I notice her eyes seem tired than they were earlier and she's laying in my bed. MY bed and she seams uncomfortable. Noticing me watching her, she gets up and moves to the couch at the other side of our room.

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